Cinderace X Reader | Can't sleep

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I sighed loudly as I covered my face with my pillow, no matter what I did I couldn't fall asleep. There was light tapping on the window as rain poured outside, a few flashes of light indicating that there was also thunder in the distance. Cinderace sensing my restlessness appeared from his Pokeball, jumping onto the bed with a loud 'oof'.

He moved towards the empty side of the bed, carefully removing the pillow from my face with a reassuring smile. I turned to face him, feeling my face flush as he scooted closer, laying his head down on my pillow quietly.

"No matter what I do...I just can't seem to fall asleep." I mumbled softly, pulling the blanket up in order to cover him as well.

He lifted a paw to brush against my cheek gently, pushing back a few strands of hair from my face. He seemed to want to lean closer, as I nervously placed a hand on his furry chest to keep him from moving.

"Cinder?" He questioned, raising a brow as he grabbed my hand on his chest, lightly rubbing the top with his paw.

"I-uhm ...well- I uhm" I tried to find an excuse in order to prevent him from figuring out I was barely wearing any clothes at the moment, as I fumbled about nervously.

Again sensing my uneasiness, he suddenly got on top of me, making me squeal a bit as I tried to push him off, my hands on his firm chest. He didn't budge, straddling my hips as he towered over me with an unreadable expression.

From all the hustling and squirming the blanket had slowly slid off revealing a red, thin-strapped nightgown that a friend had given me for "when that day came". In a quick flash of thunder, I noticed that his cheeks were tinted pink, followed by a dazed looked that covered his features.

Without saying anything he began to slide the blanket further down despite my protesting, hearing his breathing become heavier by the second.

I pressed my legs together, still begging for him to get off me as I continued to push at his chest. Eventually his paws moved upwards towards my bra-less chest, making me squeal loudly at the thought of him touching them. He surprised me however, when he brushed back my hair gently, leaning down to nuzzle his nose against my neck and hair, listening to him take in deep breaths.

I clung onto him, feeling my face warm at his closest as he continued to sniff and nuzzle against me. He was so warm....and so close...and he smelt burning wood and fresh grass. The thunder outside seemed to get louder, but I didn't flinched one bit, for I was safe in his arms.

After a few minutes of letting him nuzzle and hold me, he pulled back, carefully removing himself from on top of me. I bite my lip, watching him lay back down besides me, pulling the blanket to cover both of us up.

He seemed to be deep in thought as he stared at the ceiling, his breathing still uneven and heavily.

"Cinder...are you okay?" I whispered, scooting in closer to him to place a hand on his moving chest.

He hummed in response, pulling me in close as I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart pound loudly.

"You-you can look if you want...." I mumbled shyly, pressing myself closer to his burning body, making me gasp loudly in surprise.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're burning up?!"

He keep me close, covering his eyes with his arm as he pants and sweats profoundly.

"You...- I....di-did...I get you... r-riled up...." I whispered very quietly, as my face burned brightly.

He grunted loudly and without another thought I crawled on top of him straddling him, making him uncover his eyes in a panic as he stared at me in shock.

"I want you...Cinderace."

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