Two, Layla

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2 Years, 4 Months Ago


Places I thought I'd be on a Saturday night? Home, in pajama's watching re-runs of some stupid show I could care less about while eating ice cream out of the carton.

Places I didn't think I'd be? Obviously, in the bar making out with the most handsome stranger I have ever met. I was covered in goosebumps, and overly happy that my twin all but forced me out of our apartment to meet up with our friends.

What made me spontaneously kiss this man? I have no fucking clue. This wasn't me, I'm shy, the girl that is told she's pretty, the girl that's hit on but never has any dates. The weird one that wears oversize t-shirts to a bar instead of club attire. Whatever. I'm me.

So, the fact that I'm kissing this ridiculously handsome, built, tall man is just so out of my comfort zone, but I've never felt so comfortable. When his hand came across my neck and feathered against my jawline, I almost lost my shit.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I said against his lips.

"Your place, or mine?" He asked.

"Whatever is closer."

"I'm a block away."

"Same." I smiled still lazily kissing him.

"I don't have a roommate."

"Your place it is." He smiled against my lips at my response before we both pulled away and stood up from the table. His slid his fingers through mine and I leaned up against his chest going up on my tippy toes to press my lips back against his. "I just have to tell my sister." He nodded before following me to the dance floor to find my sister, still attached to my hand.

"Dance with me!" She yelled when she spotted me, I shook my head no with a smile and leaned in against her ear.

"I'm getting out of here."

"Oh? With him!" She was smiling like a fool, I nodded again and she clapped a few times excitedly. "Text me his address so I know you're alive."

"I will he said he's a block away." She nodded.

"Go get you some girl!" I laughed at my goofball sister, she pointed at Ehren with a devious smile and laughed. Ehren let out a small laugh and followed me out to the street still attached to my hand.

We got outside and he pulled me up against him kissing me before putting his arm around my shoulder. We walked together comfortably like this.

"Right here." He pointed up to an awfully familiar building.

"You're shitting me?" He shook his head. "I live in this building too, with my sister. 7th floor." He laughed.

"I'm on the 6th." We both laughed entering the elevator. I leaned up against the wall and his body enclosed mine, his hands on my waist and lips on mine. I ran my hands up and through his hair. The elevator doors opened and he lifted me, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked us out of the elevator and pushed me up against the wall next to what I could only assume was his apartment door.

I heard the door unlock the same time my back came off the wall. The door shut right away and he set me down on the counter top. I pulled his dark grey Henley up and over his head, our lips only breaking apart for a second, then another as my t-shirt was pulled up. I reached back and unclasped my bra pulling it off my arms and arching my back to feel his skin flush against mine. A growl of approval left his throat as he lifted me back up and started walking again.

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