'Stop!' she shrieked as he turned the water on. What the hell was he doing?! It soaked through her clothes and hair. It was obviously soaking him. It was warm but it did little to improve the situation.

He lowered her to her feet. She tried to pull away but his big hand was clamped firmly around his wrist. Yellow eyes narrowed, towering over her like a giant, he yelled something, his voice booming around the room. Chloe's knees bowed in terror. She'd done it now! He was going to hurt her. He was going to hit her or beat her to death.

He was bleeding from his cheek, the water turning the wound pink. His long brown hair was plastered to his head and shoulders. His wet shirt clung to his big masculine frame; she hadn't realised how truly muscular he was until now. Her knees buckled but she did not fall, the demon easing her gently to the wet floor. The door leading to the bedroom was shut. She was trapped. Like she'd always been trapped.

Chloe hung her head as she trembled, the water dripping from her hair, watching as the water swirled around his shoes and into the drain.


The Rictorian looked so small, huddled to the floor like that. Tor would rather not force her to do anything, but she'd given him no choice. She wasn't meeting him halfway at all. She'd barely put on the gegger helmet during her time in the lesson room before removing it again. It had taken all his effort not to curse and slam his fist into the wall.

The others had told him to be patient, but he'd been patient! And he was getting nowhere. She didn't want to talk to him. She didn't even want to look at him. She'd barely eaten. And now she could have hurt herself. The floor was carpeted but it sounded as though she'd banged her head pretty hard when she'd fallen over.

'All I wanted was to make sure you're okay. And you wouldn't even let me do that.' He raked his fingers through his wet hair. 'All I want to do is make sure you're comfortable. You're not sleeping. You're not eating. And you're starting to smell.'

She cried out as he gently took her head and pressed his fingers against her wet scalp. She showed no pain and no blood came away on his fingers. Her shoulder looked sore, though; she was holding herself at an odd angle.

He crouched in front of her. 'Let me check it.' He tried to take her wrist but she pulled her arm away, crying out in pain as she did.

'Let me check it!' he growled again.

The water continued to hammer down on them as she let him take her wrist. Gently he pulled it towards him. She was biting her lip, her dark eyes staring at his chest, as he moved it left and right, up and down.

'It seems fine,' he said. 'You've just pulled it.' He stood. 'You're going to wash. You're going to have something more to eat. And you're going to sleep in bed tonight—with me. Got it?'

Of course she didn't get it but it made him feel better saying it. He was going to take control of the situation. He wouldn't let her treat him like Drake's woman treated him—or Silo's for that matter.

Crouching in front of her again, he tugged at her shirt. She didn't like that at all, screaming and scratching him down his forearm.

'Fine!' he snapped.

Bunching her shirt in his fists, he ripped it down the front. She screamed something in her language as she fumbled its remains to her chest. Getting up, Tor went over to the wall and got the bottle of liquid wash. He squirted its contents onto her head and down her back. Kneeling behind her, he scrubbed it into her hair.

She seemed to calm a little, panting and weeping as she leaned over her lap.

He gave her the bottle. 'Here, do your front.'

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