Chloe & Tor

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'Could you get off the floor at least?' Tor said sharply. 'Even you must know you can't stay there forever.'

The girl gave a frightened squeak as she hid her face behind her long brown hair.

Tor rested his chin on his fist with a sigh as he sat on the edge of his bed, feeling more and more dejected. Feeling more and more frustrated. He could feel it building. He could feel it boiling. He could feel it deep down in the pit of his stomach. It was taking every inch of effort not to go over there, yank her to her feet and drag her over to the bed.

But what would that achieve? He wouldn't rape her. He couldn't do that. As much as it would make things easier. All he wanted was for her to see.

The moment he'd entered the room and released her, she'd hidden herself away behind the table and chairs. That had been almost an hour ago and she still hadn't come out. Tor sighed again. All he wanted was to touch her. To hold her. To know her. Was that so much to ask?

'I know you're scared but it makes no sense to avoid me. It's going to get you nowhere. Why can't you see sense?!' He thumped his thighs. The girl cried out.

He stood. The girl cowered. She scrambled around the table as he strode over, ripping away the chairs one by one so she could no longer hide away. The last one fell over with a crash. With a scream, she tried to run across the room only for Tor to seize her wrist and pull her into his arms. He smelled her hair. She was dirty from her run in the forest back on Rictor 5 but she still smelled incredible.

He spun her around so she was facing him, her eyes so wide they looked almost unreal in her pretty face. Tears shone on her cheeks. She was leaning away from him as far away as she could, her hands pressed up against his chest. Tor brushed her tears away.

'See?' he told her. 'Would I do that?'

She was panting but at least she'd stopped screaming. Was she actually hearing him or was she simply frozen in terror? Daring to hope, he released her. Again, she tried to run. With a frustrated growl, he seized her again and dragged her to the bed.

They sat together. The girl squirmed against him as he tightened his grip around her, her arms locked between their chests. He kissed her on the forehead. He kissed her on the cheek. He tried to kiss her on the mouth but she kept turning her head away.

'Don't be afraid!' he snarled.

Crushing her against him with one arm, he seized her chin and pulled her face towards his. Finally, he kissed her. He could hear the air catching in her throat. He could feel her trembling. He tried to be soft, gently parting her lips. Gently stroking her tongue with his. She was letting him. She was actually letting him. With a groan, he kissed her harder.

He relaxed his hold and her arms fell away. No more fighting. She felt limp as he caressed her face with a trembling hand, his lips still fastened upon hers. He could feel her breasts now. He could feel them pressing up against him, so soft and wonderful. He'd almost forgotten what they felt like. He couldn't wait to touch them properly. He couldn't wait to have them in his mouth. To taste them. To trace his tongue around her soft nipples.

He groaned again as he lowered her onto the bed. She didn't resist, her brown hair flaring across the covers, her arms resting up by her head. She was still trembling but Tor was sure he could calm her down. Once he was inside her she would quickly realise she had nothing to fear. Oh, to be inside her! His balls throbbed so painfully he grunted.

'There you go,' he murmured in her ear as he kissed her on the earlobe. 'There's nothing to fear from me.'

At least she wasn't crying anymore. Though she wasn't doing much else either. He nuzzled her neck as he reached down to grab her breast. He sighed. How was it that it felt better than he remembered? So much better. It brought tears to his eyes. He kissed her on the neck, then along her chest.

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