1 Year Anniversary

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I woke up in my comfortable, spacious, loft that was only lighten up by a few candles. Today was my 1 year anniversary being a vampire and when me and Dwayne first met. I got out my loft and went down the ladder into the main cave. We all live in a pretty big cave and there are a couple of different little spaces, which can make it a little confusing when you first wake up. Luckily, I know when I'm in the main cave because the guys have a huge portrait of Jim Morrison from The Doors right in the middle of the whole place. I went to go see if the guys were awake yet, but for some reason they weren't there. Maybe for once they actually got up on their own. When I was walking out I saw a note on the wall and it said:
Happy 1 year anniversary baby! Me and the guys went out early to get stuff ready for you. We wanted to make you feel welcome to the vampire community. Love you, see you soon.
I started smiling. I told them not to go all out for me, but they said it was going to be a big day. So after all of that I made my way to the boardwalk. I can fly but decided not to because you know, I've only been a vampire for a year. I still needed practice. So once I got to the boardwalk I tried looking for Dwayne. I started walking by all the stores and rides. It reminded me a lot of the night after I was turned into a vampire. I remember walking down the boardwalk and wearing my ripped jeans, leather jacket, black crop-top, and my combat boots. I felt like a new person. As I was walking down the boardwalk I could hear people yelling and screaming, sounded like a fight. That's something that happens almost every single night whenever the boys are there. I started walking toward the fight and saw the guys there, of course. When I got closer I saw that Dwayne was in the fight. He was fighting a drunk dude who about the same size as Dwayne but not as muscular. I saw that the dude was nearly choking Dwayne out which rarely happens, and that's what made me get ticked off. I'm very protective when it comes to the guys. I started running through the crowd and got up to the both of them and punched the drunk right between the eyes. He went down fast. Dwayne sat there coughing trying to catch his breath. It looked like the guys ran off. Everyone started walking away since there was no more fight. I kneeled down by Dwayne and started asking if he was okay. He looked at me and said " Thank God you showed up." We both smiled and I helped him up. We walked over to the other guys and told them "You guys are jackasses." David laughed and he said "We know." I punched him in the arm and we all walked together down the boardwalk. Then the worst possible thing happened at the worst possible time. I saw my parents walking down the boardwalk, straight toward us.

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