The second your father had arrived, he was livid about the situation. As he scolded you for such reckless behavior, he was also mad at Quincy, who influenced you into the bad decision: using ODM Gear. You knew it was illegal to use outside of the Military but something about it seemed so thrilling. Whether that was the gear itself or the combination of it being prohibited. Whatever it was, you loved it, and did not want to stop. You had already been using it for a few years before the accident took place, your father just never knew.

Once you were released, Quincy had given you the full story, what he knew of it, at least. He had found you on the ground, in front of a tall building. He figured you had fallen from it when he saw your wires tangled around your limbs. When you got home, you both went to work on your broken gear, which revealed a tangle within the wire itself, caught in the barrel, busted after the fall. Such a tiny malfunction almost costed you your life.

Even though you did not always get along, he was terrified in the moment, he even admitted how scared he was. Mostly for how deep of trouble he would be in, rather than your well-being. You made sure to swing him an extra hard punch for the comment once your arm had fully healed, however.

After that scary day, you realized how thankful you were for your older brother. Had he not been there, who knows what would have happened to you in the end. You also made sure to appreciate him a little more, going into the future.

Flashback End

Getting up with Armin and Mikasa, you hear two sets of wires zip nearby. Turning to look over your shoulder, two figures appear in your field of vision, landing on the other end of the roof. A slight gasp escapes your mouth, body reacting before your mind can fully process everything that's happening. Running towards the men, you skid to a stop in front of them, eyes immediately flickering to a boy in Jean's arms.

The kid from Liberio...

Recognizing him as an accomplice in Sasha's death, you back up a bit, allowing space for Jean to lay him down on the shingles, arms restrained. Eventually, Mikasa and Armin run over, meeting you there. "Its over." Jean whispers, crouching behind the young blonde boy. "I never thought he'd slaughter everyone beyond the Walls. Once they die off, so will all the hate. Everyone who threatened our existence will be flattened, leaving nothing but empty plains. What the world feared more than anything has happened. All because they labeled us devils and tried to slaughter us. In other words, this is something they brought upon themselves. There was nothing we could do, right?" The sandy-brunette sits up as he finishes tying a cloth around the boy's mouth.

Looking down at the kid again, you notice Titan shifter marks next to his eyes, reaching up to his temples. How did he become a shifter? Who did he eat? Letting go of the burning questions for now, your attention goes back to the conversation as Armin replies. "But... this is... going too far. Its genocide of unprecedented scale." The blonde looks terrified as he stares at the roof. "Then... do we stop him? Stop Eren? Eren opposed Zeke, who wanted to castrate us with his euthanization plan. He opposed preserving the Founding Titan by sacrificing Historia. Basically, Eren... He's sacrificing humanity outside the Walls to protect us. 'Cuz there's only one group that benefits from mass genocide- us." Jean narrows his eyes in contemplation.

Suddenly, a small explosion bursts in the distance, damaging a building. Everyone's heads snap in that direction in curiosity and shock, wondering what caused it. "That was... The Titans are fighting soldiers?! Did they eat the whole Marleyan army?! But why?! If Eren commands the Founder, can't he control every Titan?!" Armin's words spill out of his mouth faster than a bolt of lighting. "Well, they're eating our guys! Let's help!" Jean orders, standing up with the blonde boy under his arm. "Wait, Jean! What about the kid?" Mikasa stops the sandy-brunette from leaving.

Walking Among Spirits (Levi x Reader) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now