Q&A Part 39

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Me: *snickers* I pranked you so good.

Bad: Whew! 😮‍💨 You had me scared there for a minute.

(*All of a sudden, the fake tarantula began to move on it's own*)

Thriller: It's alive!

Me: Wait what?!!

This Is It: I thought you said it was a fake tarantula, honey.

Me: Well, I didn't think it was gonna be alive when I ordered it online.

Invincible: *goes to the kitchen to find something for the tarantula to live in temporarily until we can get a proper tank from the pet store*

Me: Silly people on the website scammed me with a so-called fake tarantula. 🫤

This Is It: *carefully reaches out his hand and lets the tarantula crawl onto it* He looks like a friendly spider.

Invincible: *comes back empty-handed* One of us will have to make a trip to the pet store to get some supplies for our tarantula.

Off The Wall: Cool! We get to have a pet spider.

Me: Easy there, Off The Wall. We don't want to make the tarantula feel stressed out.

This Is It: *extends out his other arm to allow the tarantula to crawl onto his other hand* Yes, that's exactly right.

Me: And we can't really handle him too much or he'll get upset.

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