"Really?" Adrien mused. He knew he shouldn't be speaking like this. His identity was a secret and he knew he had to keep it that way.

But he wanted to tease the girl beside him some more. He thought she was quite cute when she got flustered.


Y/N let out a breath of relief as her teacher walked into the classroom. She looked over at Adrien and found that he was glancing down at his hand. His hand that had a ring on one of his fingers. The silver one that looked oddly familiar.

"Can I ask you something?" Y/N questioned.

"Sure." Adrien stopped fiddling with his ring and gave his full attention to Y/N.

"That ring of yours... where did you get it?"

Adrien froze. His eyes narrowed and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He was taken aback by that question and wasn't sure what excuse to use.

Adrien didn't think Y/N was a fool. He knew that she had noticed Chat noir's ring the other day.


"My father gave it to me."

Y/N's mouth formed an 'O' and she nodded her head.

But Adrien could tell she wasn't satisfied with that brief answer.

He could tell she was starting to notice things that no one else had noticed before.

Shit, Shit.

"It used to be his, but when my mother passed away he gave it to me."

This brought Y/N's attention back to the blonde boy.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know-"

"Y/N, you don't need to apologize. It was just a question."

Y/N looked back down at her books with a slight frown on her face. She suddenly felt bad even though she had no way of knowing what answer he would give her.

"How old were you when she passed away?"


"Oh God I'm so sorry Adrien."

Adrien was about to tell her that it was okay, that he had accepted her death a while ago, but he couldn't because the teacher began to speak just as the words were about to leave his mouth.

The rest of their class went by slow.

Y/N and Adrien both exchanged glances of each other, but once the other person caught their gaze, they looked away.

Y/N still couldn't get their conversation from earlier out of her head.

She felt bad for Adrien.

Y/N couldn't imagine her life without her mom.

The bell rang for first period to end and Y/N slowly collected her books.

She bit her lip, "Adrien."

The blonde boy who had stood up first, looked down at her. He had a curious expression on his face and it was awfully cute.

"There's this small bakery near my house." She nervously looked away and took a deep breath.

"Come with me after school. My treat."

Adrien grinned, flashing his bright white teeth, "I mean only since it's your treat."

They both laughed and Y/N stood up from her seat, "I'll see you later then."

Adrien nodded his head and waved. He waved with the hand that had his ring.

Y/N couldn't help but stare at it some more. She continued to stare at Adrien as he walked away.

She knew that ring from some where. She knew it looked so terribly familiar.

Her stomach twisted a bit as she thought of Chat noir's ring. Although it was a different colour, could it be the same?

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