Chp. 1. Docking

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Commander Magath: This is the border of Paradis Island. After Sunset you are to set out and head north on horseback. After that just follow the plan we have allocated to you.

The wind coming from the beachside struck your face, it was rough and coursed its way through your hair, to compensate you brought your hand up in order to shield your eyes from its wrath. Towards and from the docks rested a massive behemoth platform of concrete with a purpose that would probably be better off left unexplained.

As you stared at the monolith, Magath continued:

Magath: The Marleyan Army anchors here every month on the day of the full moon.

He paused a moment for a breath, you turned to your right to look upon him once more, spotting Reiner transfixed in the process. Something about his blank stare annoyed you. It was impossible to tell at that moment, too many things to pick apart, like the sense that he was looking for any opportunity he could to lick Magath's boot just one more time before taking off. Pitiful.

You made no further note of his stare as you slowly moved to join the rest of your group, doing your best to ignore the magnitudes of soldiers in formation surrounding the area. As you arrived Annie stood close beside you, Bertolt not too far behind with Reiner closest in fron to his overlord. The crowd of familiarity offered a sense of comfort for you in an unfamiliar land.

Magath: Make sure to proceed with the plan to retake the original titan accordingly.

You and your group: Yes sir!

As you all spoke it became clear that the goodbyes were approaching. Soldiers began to pull from position and make for the brief journey to the docked ships. Sensing his soldier's urge to leave, Magath slowly began to look away, refusing to turn his eyes away, just to get one last look at you all in case this would be the last time.

You damned poor kids...

Commander Magath: Alright, complete your mission...all of you and come back with the founder.

Just like that they were gone. All Marleyan support had vanished into the sea and with them any hope of returning home for the foreseeable future. All thoughts of turning back and crawling under the covers to cower were as distant as the ships that crossed the ocean were now.

You longfully looked out into the distance and turned to look into the heated desert emphasized by the twilight shine. Annie turned her head over her shoulder to look at you before nodding in the opposite direction, her way of telling you to join your comrades as they checked their rations. Grateful to be included, you slowly approached, thoughts of home refusing to leave your mind.



Marley was a young empire, a hundred years or so, but it wasn't one without opportunity. To say said opportunity was easy to exploit would be a lie of course, none more understood the difficulty of trying to thrive in modern Marleyan society than that of an Eldian that resided within its internment zones.

Liberio was your home though, it was all you ever knew to be without causing a swell of resentment within you. Your home was a large city intersected by many large rivers and railways, a dock on the far end and a headquarters dedicated solely to the Warrior unit program.

The Warriors....

Your true domain resided within the internment zone, the birthright of an Eldian Devil as decided by your Marleyan rulers. A click and creak of the door to your shabby home signified your return, your tiny child frame clearly visible through the light of the outside as you entered the dark house.

Your Mother: (Y/N)!

You: Hello, Mama. I got our brea-

Your eyes were droopy and weak with a shimmer of exhaustion, starvation and exertion had gotten to you, and as a small boy you were all too susceptible. It came as no surprise that you were an easy victim to your mother's worried embrace as she quickly cradled your small body with her weak embrace.

Your Mother: I can't help but worry about you, especially when I'm not there to protect you myself, (Y/N). The PSA Guards are cruel to all Eldians, especially those they deem weaker than themselves.

She removed your cap and stroked your hair in a gesture that was all too overprotective. You welcomed it, there was comfort here that you could never grow tired of. For a while you both stood there at the entrance, your mother wanted to make sure you were actually there, but unfortunately, it did eventually have to end.

You: It's okay Mama, I brought the bread and for less than you thought I would need. Look, we get to save!

The coins rattled in your left fist as you held them to your mother, carefully you concealed them until you were out of sight. Mother looked at them for a few moments before peering to the right, a loaf of bread clutched in your small hand, carefully she took both from you.

Your Mother: Thank you (Y/N)), truly thank you, dear boy.

You knew the risk, the danger and the outcome, even as a child, but what would happen if you didn't go out on your own was a fate that you couldn't wish upon even your greatest enemy. As your mother took the stale bread and brought it to the kitchen, the house's other residents entered to share the food that would have to sustain them for the next few days.

You followed along, 2 doors to the left and a staircase to the right surrounded you, slowly you removed your jacket, the winter a little more bearable inside. Voices echoed out from the kitchen

Adult 1: Where's the knife-

Adult 2: Keith! Bring the candles and leave them over by the-

Your Mother: Careful, we have to ration until next week-

The voices blurred into constant commotion as you sat down on a brittle chair somewhere towards the corner of the open room. You lived in a shared community home, that was clear enough and it took no detective to dictate that it was a less than desirable living. Each night you spent living like this was cramped, cold and always left an ache in your stomach.

Your life was full of love from your mother but what worth did that love have under the foot of a people that did not care about you. Something had to change, better or worse.

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