y/n-well that kind of griffin is called arch-griffin. that kind of monster can spit an acid that can be harmful for everyone.

sirzechs- i see..but how do you know about that and how can you define the griffin and the arch griffin??

y/n- well Archgriffin is a subspecies of griffin . They're almost exactly the same, however the archgriffin can spit acid at you in order to catch you off guard. and the one that rias target is an archgriffin.

sirzechs-i see.

serafall-what about the other monster. sona told me that you also fight with a leshy??

y/n- you are right that is a leshy. well that kind of monster was located in the heart of the forest. and one of the eldest monster that dwells in the world. they are guarded by a raven and a wolf.

serafall- how did you manage to slay it??

y/n- the only effective way to kill it is to pierce the heart of a monster with flames. remember leshen is not easy to kill. it was just my luck to fight a young leshen.

serafall-even so it was still dangerous.

y/n- hahaha well thanks for the concern.

serafall- ne! y/-chan can i ask something?


serafall- who made your medallion??

y/n-it was made who ever survive the trial to become a monster slayer.

sirzechs- my sister said that you are in league to other faction??

y/n-yep but it's not the 3 faction.

sirzechs-how did you know about the 3 factions??

y/n- i was present during the great war. well atleast i was chilling between ddraig and albion before they got sealed.

sirzechs-what?? impossible your kind was never written in the history.

y/n-well i never manage to see a devil an angel and a fallen angel in person. but someone told me about your existence.

sirzechs- and who might it be??

y/n- it was the entity that far stronger than you and any one of us here me included. he told me everything about your existence..

sirzechs- i see.

serafall- ne! y/-chan my sister told me aside from being a monster slayer you also know magic.

y/n-yes i know magic in your terms but i called it signs.

rias- lady serafall y/n is no ordinary monster slayer and a magic caster. he was called a witcher in short.

serafall- witcher? what is that??

y/n- well i think you deserve an explanation. a witcher is a human that can fight both monsters and humans lets just say say super soldier. we trained in a harsh condition . we had to master not only just sword fighting we also a master in alchemy, and we can do exorcism and we can lift a curse.

serafall and sirzechs was shock to hear y/n's word even grayfia was also shock.

grayfia-how old are when you become a witcher??

y/n-well i forgot about that. the only thing i remember i was trained since i was a child and after several years of training i was subjected to a multiple kinds of experiments.

grayfia spits her drink.

rias-believe me grayfia and brother what he been through is nothing compare to us.

a witcher student in high school dxd( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now