"If your reading this, stay away from Peter!" It said on the page.

Who the hell is Peter?

Maybe this was someone else's since Dill took some of these books.
I sat there & continued reading until I seen more words written about this man Peter.

"That sick freak won't let me use the bathroom in peace without HIM watching me!" They wrote this with red pencil.

The more I turn the pages, more notes are left about this person living with this Peter.
At this point I wasn't reading about Sunny Day Jack, I'm looking at the small notes.
I do know there been creeps kidnapping people for a while when the law wasn't coming to save them. I remember a man demanding that he takes someone's daughter because 'We need to repopulate the new world.' I think the mother & a group of neighborhood watch beaten him like a rag doll. That & seeing the police selling women & children as 'bed warmers' for the price of  3 cans of food per night. & if you hunt, it'll be a week if you give up the whole animal.

Just thinking about it makes my stomach feel uneasy as it left a nasty taste in my mouth. I thank the gods for watching over me this whole time & staying in a safe spot for the time being.

"Everytime you think you have private time alone, you can feel his eyes looking at you from afar. I need to get out of here." They wrote.

Reading these small messages seem like they were only talking to theirselves as comfort. Reading that they miss their friends, family, their old life is painful to think.

"I think they been putting medicine in my food. Im always tried as my body feel like a rock."

"The hell?!" I said to myself as I continue to read.

"Some nights, I can feel him touching me as I lay there lifeless. His touches makes my skin itch as I can't scream nor fight him. He'll leave marks of his work on me-" They stop writing.

Probably was the person watching them.

"The more I push back from him, the more he push with force. He numb my legs to the point I couldn't walk."

"You finally woke up Yunnie." I jumped as I see Dill standing my the door.

Dill was still shirtless as he was holding a cup of coffee. He sat down next to me as he was only wearing his boxer. I shut the book while I place the blanket on his lap. Dill smile at me as he pull me into his arm.

"Sorry I didn't carry you to bed last night. Didn't want to wake you." He said as he rub my left arm.

"It's ok. I wanted to wake you up but it looked like you needed that rest more than me." I said.

Dill took a long sip of his coffee as he looked down at me with a look I'd never seen before.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked as his glaze at me was hard to question.

"Not that long. I've added some wood to the fire, check our dinner in the oven, & watch you sleep for a little bit. After that, I've been here this whole time." I said.

Dill ketp his eyes on me as if I've done something wrong. As if he doesn't trust me. I can feel a slight panic building up inside of me as I ketp my cool.

I grab his coffee as I took a sip of it. It was pain black with maybe 2 or 3 spoonful of sugar. It's not the best cup but it's better than nothing.

"Your taste is painfully plain dude." I chuckle as I took another sip.

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