Chap 2- How My Wedding Went

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My father held my arm linking it to his, then we started walking. After some seconds I could hear the piano playing, my mum rushed to give me the flower, she had forgotten to give me cause she was crying.

Me and father both walked slowly until we saw people standing up and at the front was a priest and a man stood there I couldn't see his face cause he faced back but his back view was nice.

I froze at my spot what of if the man looked horrible, what if he beats me when we get home, I kept thinking until my mum came from behind and tapped me. I plastered a fake smile on my face, so that my parents won't be worried and besides am only doing this for them.

It was remaining like four steps to where the Priest and the man stood, my father turned to kiss my head softly then left me.

I walked up to where the Priest and the man stood, and everyone sat back on their chair. The priest started preaching, I looked around me to see my friends, family members, parents until my eyes landed on the man beside me[ My soon to be husband]. He was a young good-looking handsome man like my mum said, he's tall, broad-shouldered, he had dark smooth hair, he had lovely somehow golden colour eyes that I got lost into.

Why am I describing him in a good way?, Looks can be deceiving.

He suddenly turned to look at me with a straight face and our eyes met, I got butterflies all over my stomach. Why???????

The priest called unto our attention as he told us to exchange and wear each other rings then take our vows.

"I now pronunce you husband and wife" The priest said happily as the crowd cheered and clapped.

"You may now kiss the bride" I hesitated to it because I didn't know how to kiss someone, but my husband wrapped around his left hand around my waist pulling me closer as he gave me a kiss on my lips.

It was a three seconds kiss, which was sad. Usually people first kiss is usually long, sweet, passionate and so much more. Maybe it's because I've watched soo many romantic movie and I'm use in watching the fantasies of Zee-world. OR maybe he isn't interested in me, he doesn't like what he sees now I feel sad a little but am not going to show it.

Flower petal were thrown on both me and my husband as we turned to walked back. Music started playing, we both cut the enormous five layer cake as we snapped pictures, we played games like bouquet throwing and more. It was a tradition for the female child to show one or two of her talents to the groom's family on her wedding day. So I showed my talent of cooking for both my parents and the groom family members, then I played the guitar as I sang Arcade.

The time of my departure arrived so fast.

"Lisa" my mum held unto me tightly as tears streamed down from her eyes. "I'm going to miss you"

"I'm going to miss you more" I turned her as tears started falling from my eyes.

"Take care of yourself and husband, always obey and respect him" she said as she wiped away my tears with her hands.

"I don't want to go"

"I know darling, but you have to. I will call you everyday" She said as she placed a small light blue box on my hand.

"Am going to miss you my angel" My father said hugging me as I hugged him back.

"Go experience life with lessons" He whispered in my ears. "And if he hurts you or hit you once then kick him in his groin, then grab it and squeeze it tightly" My father said that part loudly as my husband turned to look with a wide eyes. Am sure he didn't expect that, I laughed to what my father said. My mum face lit up with a smile too. Yeah that's right my father can be nasty at times.

"I have spoken to your husband, and he promises to take care and protect you" My father said with a reassuring smile.

"Hope you will do justice to that" My father said that more as a question as he turned to look at him putting a hand on my shoulder. My husband nodded with a serious face. 'Husband' that sounded weird as I thought of it, why did even call him my husband.

"Let's all go downstairs" My father said as we all walked downstairs, I tried as much as possible to walk slowly but it was of no use. My mother kept pushing me so that I could walk faster.

We finally got downstairs I hugged my mum tightly as she kept kissing me all over my face and giving me motivational speeches like

'Me strong darling, it's only a matter of time. You will get use to it'

'Nothing stays permanent in life, Change affects it's'

'Stay strong, cause the future holds a lot'

And a lot more.

I left her, as I hugged my father and he embraced me, he just kissed me on the head as he prayed a little for me.

"I love you" I whispered to him cause I never tell him, I mostly tell it to my mum.

"I love you more" He said as he we both released each other from the hug.

A large lamo drove and stopped at the front of the stairs.
We started walking down as i waved to everyone behind as tears stroll down my eyes.

"Bye" I shouted loudly so that everyone present could hear me. My husband opened the lamo door opened as I got inside and he followed behind and closed the door. He wined the window down.

I could see my dad holding my mum in a big hug, as my mum was crying. My other family members and friends stood there, some were crying and some where waving shouting 'I love you, I'm going to miss you, call me when you get there, Don't forget about us' and many others.

I waved them happily and sadly, as I shouted
"I love you guys too, take good care of yourselves"

And that's when the lamo drove off out of my parents house.

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