1 (Daisy's POV)

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Hazel's note: This chapter was meant to be written by Kitty until Daisy wanted to write this chapter. This time she won't put any doodles because I am looking over her shoulder as she writes this.

Hazel is looking over my shoulder as I write this so then I don't add any doodles.
Anyways, back to the story. It was morning and the sun was shining bright in the air as I woke up gladly. "Wotcher, Watson!"I said.
"Bla, Bla." Hazel muttered. I just laughed at her and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my Deepdean school uniform. By the time I had finished, everyone was wide and wake. "Time for a investigation, Detective Society!" I cheered happily. Everyone just groan after that and laid back on their beds. "Oh boy, this is going to take a long time." I muttered in my head.

Finally, my friends woke up and bunbreak started. Our friends went out in their groups and locations we decided in our dorm.

Team 1: Kitty Freebody, Beanie Martineau - Headmistress Office
Team 2: Daisy Wells, Hazel Wong - Kitchen
Team 3: Lavinia Temple  - Toilets 

We went to the eating area and ate our buns. Then, the bell struck for play time. As soon as it did, we went in our groups to our locations. Me and my best friend Hazel were in a group together because we are best friends. We were searching the kitchen. "Alright, Watson, you search the bottom, I'll search the top" I said. We didn't know what we'd find...

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