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Third Pov

Mirabel scoffed looking at Isa's door. "Why would embracing Isabela do anything?"

"I dunno. Our family got a miracle. How do you help a family miracle? You hug a sister." Bruno said.

"Mirabel! Mirabel!- AH! Mirabel!" Camilo turned into a baby with a buff ass body.

"Well, I think we're running out of time here." Bruno said turning to Mirabel. "It's not gonna work. She won't hug me ever, okay? She hates me! Also, I don't know if you heard I ruined her proposal! Plus, P.S-"


"She's just annoying. Of course it's Isabela!"


"What's her problem with me anyway? She's the one with roses coming out her-"

"MIRABEL!" Mirabel turned to look at Bruno with a shocked face. "Sorry, sorry, sorry. You see, you're missing the point. The fate of the family, it's not up to her. It's up to you. Your exactly what this family needs. You just have to see it." Bruno said giving a emotional speech.

"By yourself, after I leave." Bruno said moving the plant to go to the picture frame.

"What? You're not coming?"

"*deep voice* it was your vision, Mirabel. Not mine."

"You're afraid Tia or Abuela will see you." Marble said.

"Yep. I mean, yes, that too." Bruno slowly inched his way into the picture frame. He turned back. "Hey, after you have the miracle, come visit." Bruno said smiling.

"After I save the miracle, I'm bringing you home. To tia." Bruno smiled nodded.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood." He inhaled crossing his fingers falling back.

Mirabel smiled at her weird Tio before she heard the casita creaking. "You got this. Just gonna save the miracle...With a Hug."

Sofia's POV

I was standing in the dinning room worried. Mirabel was no where to be found. Hugo was staying close because all the lightning and thunder had been spooking him.

I held my youngest son close in my arms. "Mama?" Hugo's quiet voice called out. "Yes mi hijo?"

"Where's papa?" My eyes widen at the question. "Honestly bebé.. I dunno. But I do know that I miss him. And that te extrañó." Hugo lifted his head to look at me.

Tears slowly started to pour from his eyes. "But how do you know that?" He wiped his tears. 2 single tests fell from my eyes. "porque yo lo amo y el me ama."

I leaned in and rested my forehead against my sons. "te quiero, mami."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Yo también te amo mi pequeño bebé precioso." I rubbed my cheek on his face smirking kissing him all around his face.

"I'm not a baby! I'm you're big strong boy!" I laughed. "siempre serás mi bebé."

"What is going on?!" We heard Abuela yell.

I carried Hugo out in front of the casita to see Isa a mess and Mirabel with a bed of blue, red, and purple flowers under them.

I was standing behind Elena and Diego. Luciana in front of Diego.

The two shoot up. "Abuela! It's okay! Everything's- we're gonna save the miracle! The magic-"

Abuela cut her off. "What are you talking about?! Look at our home! Look at your sister!"

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