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Bruno's POV

Me and the family were getting ready to leave for a festival in town. "Muy bien, todas nos damos prisa, ¡no vamos a llegar tarde!" Mami yelled from downstairs.

I made my way downstairs and stood next to my sister Pepa. "Julieta Date prisa, te vas a perder el baile!" Pepa yelled. "Coming! Coming! Sorry!" She rushed down the stairs.

We left are Casita and made are way downtown.

There were lights and banners hanging around everywhere. Lamp lights were on. People cheering and kids running around with sparklers laughing.

Pepa and Julieta gasped and looked around at the beautiful scenery.

I stood a little ways away from my familia watching the dancers. Then the world started to slow down.

A beautiful woman. She looked around my age. Her Beautiful brown hair in a slick back bun with a red flower behind her right ear.

As she brought her dress up it went down in slow motion are eyes locked. Her beautiful hazel eyes.

She smiled at me spinning and walking over towards me. I got nervous all of a sudden.

"Do you wanna dance?" Her voice was soft and soothing like a calming lullaby. "M-Me?" I pointed to myself. Good going Bruno.

"Si tonta vamos." She smiled. I felt my knees get weak at the sound of her laugh. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me out to the dance floor.

She placed my hands on her hips and we danced the night away.

~Later that night~
Sofia's POV

Me and Bruno were walking around Encanto under the moonlight sky. "Ok Ok what about you I told you about my past now yours." Bruno said.

"Well I was born and raised here in Encanto. And it's been me and my papa since my mama left." I glanced down at the ground.

"If you don't mind me asking why did your mama leave?" We stopped at a river bank. "Well it's kind of a secret but I feel like I can trust you. When I was born I was a normal baby and healthy. My family was perfect until one night I had accidentally spilled water but it didn't splash. It stopped in mid air."

Bruno's eyes widen. "My mama thought my power was a curse and tried to convince my papa to throw me out onto the streets but he disagreed and told her that even if my power is a gift or a curse he will always love me. And so that night my mama left and it has been me and my papa every since."

I moved my hand and the water from the river rise  to connect with my hand.

Bruno walked over to me and placed his right hand on my hip and placed his finger under my chin.

"Well I think your gift is beautiful. Just like you."

I felt my cheeks burned a bright red.

~Present day~
Sofia's Pov

"Diego Amor please calm down I'm sure everything will be fine." I ran my hands through my 5 year old sons hair. "But what if something goes wrong what if I don't get a gift?! What if my gift is a bad gift that can't help the family. I don't think I should do this!"

Bruno opened are bedroom door and walked in. "There you are is everything ok?" Bruno say next to us. "Papa I don't think I can do this." Diego looked up at Bruno.

"Hijo you can do it. I have faith in you." I smiled down at him. "Do you really think I can do it?"

"Sí ahora vamos no queremos mantener a todas esperando verdad?" Diego smiled before jumping off the bed and taking a breathe.

Bruno's Pov

Me and Sofia got married 30 years ago. We have 3 lovely kids. Luciana, Elena, and Diego.

Today Diego is getting his gift. Diego is only a year older then Mirabel. And today he is getting his gift. He's been excited every since he turned 5 but the nervous are kicking in.

Sofia was accepted into the family Madrigal. Mama thought it was weird she was born with her gift but she accepted Sofia so did Pepa and Julieta.

They became sister the night the met only a couple nights after the festival we met.

Me and Sofia got married 5 years after meeting and she found out she was pregnant with are first child only 4 months later.

Luciana being the first grandchild she's 22 and soon Dolores was born only a year later. (I had to chnage the name from Rosella to Luciana it was supposed to be Lucianan my bad.)

Me and Sofia made are way next to Diego's door were mama stood holding the candle that gave us are miracle.

Diego stood at the entrance the spot light on him.

I placed my hand on Sofia's waist pulling her close. She placed her hand on my chest letting out a breathe.

Diego made his way up the stairs and Mama said the vows. Diego made his way to the door and touched the door handle.

There was a flash before a imagine of older Diego was on the door. When he went to walk over he speed over within 5 seconds.

"WOAH! SO COOL!" He ran all the way down Casita and all the way back up to stand next to Mama.

She smiled. "We have a new gift!" The crowed cheered. Sofia dropped on her knees and started kissing Diego all over his face. "I knew you could do it mi amor."

I ruffled his hair and he smiled.

Later that night
Sofia Pov

After we all saw Diego's new room I started helping moving Diego's stuff from the nursery.

"Tia Sofia?" I turned to see Mirabel Julieta and Agustín youngest daughter. "Oh Mirabel! Solo quería recoger algunas de las cosas de Diego. Estaré fuera de tu camino." I smiled but she looked kind of sad.

"What's wrong sobrina?" I walked over to her and bent down to her level moving some of her curls her face. "I'm just sad Diego is going to moving out. And I'm going to be in here all alone." Tears started to pour from her face.

"Oh bebita, I'm sure you won't be in here long alone. Your birthday is coming up soon and you will get your door too. So cheer up! No tears."

She smiled and wiped her tears. I patted her head before standing up and grabbing the small boxes of Diego's stuff.

"Te veo en la mañana bebita." I smiled. "Good night Tia Sofia."

I walked out and took the boxes to Diego's room who was being tucked in by Bruno.

"Did you enjoy your day?" I smiled at my two favorite boys. "si mami!" I walked over his bed and sat on the side next to Bruno.

I felt Bruno's hands Make there way onto my hip.

"You should get some sleep mi hijo." Mi amor said.

"ok papa buenas noches mama y papa." I kissed his forehead and tucked him into bed and let the room with Mi amor.

I sighed as we softly closed the door. We made are way back to my bedroom since I moved in casita made me my own room. It was beautiful.

Me and Bruno mostly slept in my room since my room didn't have all those stairs like Bruno's room does.

We got changed into are pajamas. I wore a light red silk night gown. We climbed into bed.

I laid my head on Bruno's chest as he placed his hand around my waist pulling my closer.

I admire my green wedding green. Bruno had a vision and saw that it was us getting married to he broke the vision and took some of the broken pieces and took them to get made into a wedding ring.

I also got him a Green and sliver wedding ban.

"Good night mi amor." He kissed the top of my head.

"buenas noches mi amor."

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