this is my revenge

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the group all walked back to the meet-up place and walked home, well.. except denki.

"hey izuku, uh, do you mind if i crash at yours tonight?" he said, gently rubbing the back of his neck.

"oh uhm, no i don't. i'm sure mama won't either so don't worry about that" i said smiling at him

"thanks doll" he said winking.

i didn't question him after that, if he wanted to tell me he would. 

a few minutes later we arrive at my place. 

i open the door and see mama on the couch waiting for me, i step in, denki nervously following behind me.

"IZUKU! welcome back, and ooh who's the boy~" Mama inko jokes playfully, hopping over to us two to greet.

"i'm Denki Kaminari, nice to meet you Mrs. Midoria" denki says nervously

"nice to meet you too Denki, anyway you two boys have fun i'm gonna go to bed." Mama says as she walks to her room to prepare to sleep.

i smiled and led denki to my room, opening the door to show the shithouse of clothes and plastic water bottles littered around my room "welcome to my shitshow i sleep in"

he laughed and tumbled over to my bed. i grabbed some clothes off my floor and headed over to my bathroom.

"i'm gonna go change into something more comfortable, be right back, find something that fits you if you want"

i took off my prevoius clothes and slipped into the new outfit, a white baggy tshirt and some velvet green shorts, then walked back out to denki, now in just boxers. i flushed

"uh so, i couldn't find anything i thought would be comfortable so, uh, yeah..." he said, embarrassed 

"oh ok, that's fine" i walked over to my bed and sat next to him.

"so" he started, "what did you mean by 'it's different'? back at seros?"

my eyes widened. "um.. i uh.. denki.." i turned to him "i like you. like i actually like you. i like you and shinsou. it's weird. but, i want both of you, for real. and uh, that's why it's different" 

he sat there wide eyed, staring at me. silent. i felt scared. 

"i-i'm sorry i shouldn't have said anything oh fuck-" i stuttered out teary-eyed.

denki stopped me. 

"izuku, i feel the same way."

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