but its not up to me

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lunch finally rolled around and i SPRINTED out of that room oh my god.

i went out to the parkish area, not wanting to deal with that dumbass loud crowd.

i sit at a table and out my stuff next to me, then shinsou appears next to me, making me jump. he raises his hands up "woah didnt mean to scare you there"

"im sorry i just wasnt expecting it"

"fair enough, but hey ive got a question for you"


"whats your history with blondie locks dickhead? kasski bakubitch??"

"oh yeah kacc- i mean katsuki. well, its kind of a long story"

"im free."

i giggled and he smiled softly "alright so, weve known eachother since childhood. grew up together and we were inseperable. then one day katsuki... asked me out. and we became w thing. worst mistake ever."

shinsou widened his eyes

"i thought it would be just as good as when we were friends, or even better, but boy i was wrong. i didnt notice it at first, but when you enter an abusive relationship, who does? right" i said laughing to try and lighten the mood. 

shinsou put his hand over mine and my eyes started to tear

"it kept going for years, i couldnt get out of it. till now. i came here to GET AWAY from him, but he apparently followed me here."

shinsou paused. "i- i dont know what to say, im sorry you had to go through that."

a tear fell from my eye and he wiped it away.

"im here now. be here with me."

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