Chapter 26: Project Mockingbird

Start from the beginning

Zatanna: "I don't want to be late."

(Y/n): "I'm sure we won't be."

Zatanna led me around the block from the zeta tube and into the café. Artemis and Wally were already seated towards the back of the café. They waved us over to them. We sat down at the small wooden table and looked over the menu.

Artemis: "I'm so glad you guys decided to come."

(Y/n): "Well we really didn't have anything else to do."

Zatanna: "Not to mention we will both have the day off."

Wally: "And how are things at your new job?"

Wally did want to say Justice League out loud and I'm thankful for that. We are lucky that Zatanna isn't that well known yet. It gives us a little privacy, because once she gets well known as the newest member of the League and increasing her time in the public spotlight, our privacy in public places like this will vanish.

Zatanna: "Good I think. It's really stressful right now but hopefully things get better."

Artemis: "What about your job (Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "More or less the same. I've been working on improving our logistics as of late, it's boring stuff really. How's college?"

To be fair that isn't false. But what I should've said is that I'm missing the field work. I love going out on missions with the team and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't itching to get back into the field.

Artemis: "College is great."

Wally: "Yeah it's a big change from what we were used to, but we like it."

(Y/n): "That's good to hear. So what movie did you two settle on?"

Wally: "Can it be one we haven't seen before?"

Artemis: "Obviously it's one we haven't seen before it was just released!"

Wally: "Well the last time we watched a movie it was one we've seen like three times!"

Artemis: "That's because we've already seen all the ones we own!"

Zatanna and I couldn't help but laugh at these two. They bicker like an old married couple every chance they get.

Zatanna: "You two are so adorable and perfect for each other."

Artemis and Wally both stopped and started to blush at Zatanna's comment. Even after dating for all this time they still get flustered by a simple comment.

Zatanna: "Artemis and I settled on The House. It's a new horror movie and looks good."

(Y/n): "A horror movie? I thought you hated those Zee."

Zatanna: "I'll be fine, don't worry. Plus it doesn't look that scary."

(Y/n): "If you say so."

We ordered and then ate our lunch, it was delicious. I got a breakfast sandwich, Zatanna got pancakes, Artemis and Wally both ordered soup.

After we left the café we made our way to the mall. Artemis and Zatanna were overjoyed to spend the day with everyone. Wally looks so happy to just get out for a day and spend time with us and I'm perfectly fine with leaving every problem we have behind us for the day.

Artemis: "So where are we going first?"

Zatanna: "Oh I want to check that one out!"

The two girls rushed off into the clothing store, leaving Wally and I out in the hallway. I couldn't help but think about the Lights plan. How little we know, and what about the abducted children. What's the point? What was the Light going to do to them? Wally could tell I'm deep in thought and concerned about something.

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