Not your average Illryian

Start from the beginning

Before the Illryian could react, the woman called his name, "Cassian, if the girls intend to help you to find Devlon, I'll reward them with their freedom." Nesta saw the Illryian, Cassian, turn his head to face his head and nod. He turned back to the girls. "So what do you say ladies. Wanna help me with finding your boss?" Cassian asked, looking at the girls with interest. Emerie glanced as Nesta who blinked once.


Emerie smiled at Cassian and nodded her head. "We sure do." Emerie replied with too much happiness in her voice. Nesta resisted the urge to facepalm while Gwyn tried her hardest not to notice the change. Though it didn't seem that Cassian noticed it either because he crossed his arms and turned to his friends. "Don't worry Mor. Those rubies, are as good as found."
About an hour later, Cassian and the girls were on his horse Phillip. Rhys had agreed with Cassian to take the girls out of town and find the hideout themselves. Rhys reminded Cassian to keep the chain around their ankle locked at all times. "They may be children but they have valuable information. I don't wanna risk that when they try to run away." Cassian agreed even though he didn't like the idea. Rhys also told him to be careful and Cassian smirked and hopped onto his horse. "I'm always careful." With that, Cassian made a whip sound and the horse was riding back into the desert.

The trio tried their best to hold onto the horse while trying to communicate with either other. Gwyn, who was at the end of the horse tail, tapped Emerie's shoulder. "Tell Nesta my tail bone hurts." She said as Emerie nodded and rubbed her tail bone. "Mine too." She replied as she repeated Gwyn's words to Nesta. Nesta nodded and gestured for Emerie to tell Cassian. Emerie cleared her throat and said, "Um, mister Cassian?"

"What is it?" Cassian asked not looking behind him. "May you please stop, our tail bones are hurting." Cassian made a grumble noise and pulled the straps to his horse. Immediately, Phillip slowed down and stopped at an entrance to a gorge.

Cassian hopped off of his horse and tied him to a branch. Cassian helped the girls off of his horse careful of the chain they were attached to. He grabbed both Emerie and Gwyn then Nesta and placed them down on the ground. "Sorry about all this girls. High Lord's orders." He said as he turned his back to check for his items.

Gwyn swung her right leg behind her and began to work on her ankle lock. While she was doing that, Nesta was blocking Cassian's view while Emerie decided to distract him a bit. "So does this go exactly?" She said her hands in her lap while she was sitting cross leg on the ground. Cassian chuckled. "It's simple. You tell me where the hideout is, Mor let's you go, and if your lucky, your parents won't try to kill you when they find out that you're gone."

The girls flinched. They didn't have any parents. Not anymore. Luckily, Cassian's back was turned so he didn't see any of them do it. Emerie decided to redirect her question. "But...what if we don't know?" Emerie asked, smiling her sweet smile. Cassian looked from the corner of his eye noticing that her smile was actually a smirk. Cassian rolled his eyes deciding that it would be best to cut the bullshit. "Well if you ask me, then my brother Rhysand will have to put you away for about let's see...all eternity." Cassian replied with a smirk of his own.

Emerie tried not to look behind her at Gwyn picking the lock. "A-All eternity. B-But we're o-only-"

"Children? Yeah that's what I told him." It wasn't the way that Cassian slurred his words that scared the girls. It was the way he walked towards them. Slowly, like a predator stalking its prey. Emerie backed up, almost knocking over Nesta and Gwyn. Cassian's smirk only grew wider as he bent down on one knee making pure eye contact with the girls. "Unless of course, they were children that he knew would try to sneak away. Hola diablos."

Diablos. The nickname that the town folks called them. Devils in disguise. In the beginning, the girls hated that name, but after a while, they were use to it and embraced their new name. And now, they love it more than anything. But at this moment, the girls wished they could get out of the chains and crawl into a hole.

Cassian shook his head and chuckled. "I gotta hand it to ya, you had me fooled for a second. But after that little blink miss Nesta gave to you, Emerie, it was clear you three were up to something. Ain't that right Nesta?" He looked at Nesta who was so shocked, her eyes were about to pop out of her head. Nesta sighed and but didn't move. Just barely nodded. "Don't waste you time with the locks Gwyn, Azriel changed them after the 3 of you passed out on the way to your cell last night." Gwyn gasped and crossed her arms to pout.

It took everything in Cassian's body not to laugh at that. "So, why don't the three of you be good little girls and tell me where Devlon's hideout is?" The girls looked at each other and back at Cass. They blinked their eyes in sync twice.


Cassian's lost his smirk slightly but returned his amusement by rolling his eyes. "Why is it always the hard way?" Without warning, Cassian grabbed the end of the girls' chains and hoisted them all up in the air. The girls screamed in surprise as Cassian put them all at the end of the horse. Cassian untied the saddle and hoisted himself onto his horse. "We're are we going?" Gwyn asked curiously as Cassian smirked. "No where. We're gonna ride until your tail bones scream for comfort."

Oh no

Cassian and the 3 diablosWhere stories live. Discover now