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Cassian's horse stopped at the gate of Prythian. He had just finished another ride around the world with his horse Phillip. Now, he needed to stretch his legs. Something that he hadn't done in a while now. Cassian tide his horse up to a nearby post and patted its back. "That's for the ride boy! Rest up now." Cass said as the horse 'neighed' and drunk the water from the stables.

Cassian strode over to the gate and whistled. A whistle sound returned in response as Rhysand, his friend, came up to him. "Took you long enough, we got a new assignment for you." Cassian groaned. "I just got back Rhys, can't I rest for a few minutes?"

"Wish you could brother, but this is urgent." Cassian sighed and followed his brother through the town of Prythian. He saw the townsfolk talking, laughing, and singing together. The kids running around chasing each other without a care in the world. He always wanted kids. It was the one dream that he could not get. Cassian sighed a looked away, surprised that the two of them have arrived so quickly. "So what's wrong?"

"It's Mor. One of the fire rubies from her jewels is missing." Cassian facepalmed. "I always keep telling her to put the fake ones on the crown and the real ones in a jewel set. It'll be easier that way." Rhys nodded in agreement as he opened the door to Mor's house. Mor was on the couch when she heard the door open and looked at the boys. "Cassie!" she said running up to her friend and hugging him tightly. Cassian laughed and hugged her back. "Stop calling me Cassie. You know I hate that."

"And yet you keep laughing at it." Cassian rolled his eyes and smiled. "So what happened with the rubies."

"They were stolen last night by Devlon." Mor replied as she rubbed the crown where the rubies last sat. "The bad news is that we have no idea where he is. But the good news is that we've capture his henchmen."

"And the other bad news is that they're not talking. We figured you could knock some sense into them." Rhys finished for Mor as Cassian thought about this. He nodded to his friends and replied, "Where are they being held?"


Cassian, Rhysand and Mor were walking through the Prythian prison hall. This prison holds one of the most ferocious and heartless villains of all time. Cassian had only been here at least 5 times in his life but he knew this prison like the back of his own hand. It was all he could do not to hurl right in the middle of the hallway.

Rhys was carrying a fire torch while Mor was clenched to him from behind. Cassian walked ahead of them and only stopped when they've reached the end of the hall. "This is where they are?" he asked his brother who nodded. "I must warn you, they may appear friendly, but it took all that we could to contain them." Cassian nodded as Rhys tossed him the keys to the cell. Cassian unlocked the door to the cell.

Cassian was prepared for a lot of things. A 12 foot tentacle monster. A snotty brat. A 500 pound muscled man with an 8 pack. A snake that magically had the ability to talk. All of it. But he wasn't prepared for this.

Three little girls sitting in the corner. One of them was a water nymph, the other an Illyrian, and the last one, a high fae. They all looked at him with sweet smiles. "Hi, mister."

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