053; let go of her hand corbyn

Start from the beginning

"It's okay, I won't take it personal." He smiled at her as they went silent again, continuing on with their meal.

As they spent the next few minutes in silence, the girl stared down at her dinner, pushing the food around her plate while she let out a sigh and furrowed her eyebrows again, hesitant to speak up on her next topic that she was still dying for an answer from.

With a final recollection of what she had heard in the office that day while standing outside of it, she rolled her eyes and shook her head, raising her eyebrows before speaking.

"I arrived a little early to our meeting with Randy the other day," she spoke up to break the silence as Corbyn gave her a nod, "I didn't realise you had a meeting one on one beforehand."

"..he just wanted to ask me if it was still working," he replied as the girl dropped her fork onto her plate and looked up at him.

"He spoke to you about my store." She mentioned, locking eyes with the boy as he slowly went still.

"Briefly," Corbyn subtly nodded, "the meeting was mostly about-"

"You laughed." Rosemary interrupted him and let her hands fall onto her lap while he paused for a moment.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"He sat there and spoke about my store like I was some kind of joke," she explained, "you sat there.. and you laughed."

He sat in silence while staring at her, his mouth partly opened and turning upside down as the girl waited for a response from the boy, her hands placed in her lap while Corbyn glanced back down to his plate, placing his silverware down.

"Is my store a joke to you, Corbyn?" She asked him as he began to shake his head.

"It's not like that." He replied, "I didn't laugh because it was funny."

"I said at the start of this that if my florist-"

"Okay I laughed but the worst he said was that being a florist requires no skill and that it was perfect for a girl like you," Corbyn explained as he looked up at him, watching her jaw drop slightly as her eyebrows raised, "but I only laughed because I didn't know what to say, it wasn't because I found it funny or a joke."

"A girl like me?" Rosemary shrugged.

"I don't know what he meant by that," he shook his head.

"You said the worst he said was that what I do requires no skill," she explained with a growing frown, "you said it like you were justifying why you laughed and what he said."

"Rosemary you're overthinking this I-"

"I'm overthinking this?" She furrowed her eyebrows through a small confused laugh, "I'm overthinking my best friend laughing with some guy insulting my skills and my business? Are you kidding?"

"That's not what I meant." He looked at her with a frown, "that wasn't at all what I meant."

"I'm just going to go home." She stood up from her seat, pushing her plate away from her in the process and walking towards the front door.

"Rosemary." Corbyn replied, following her though his house while she put on her shoes and jacket, "it isn't like that."

"Corbyn I want to sleep it off and talk about it in the morning." She shook her head, "don't make me regret saying something."

"I want to talk now." He argued, grabbing ahold of her arm and turning her towards him, "i'm sorry."

"How would you feel if I had a manager that started to talk about how bad you are at singing?" Rosemary looked up at him as he suddenly paused, "or if they said you should just quit the band because you're so bad at it. How would you feel?"

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