Chapter 7

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"So let me get this straight." Thorn said, "You went to the Mud Kingdom to kill someone, then you got kidnapped by Seawings, then you flew to the hidden Summer Palace, where you met Blister and Queen Coral, reused to kill Blaze, and Burn, and now Blister is out to kill you and the dragons you know!?" Thorn was grasping Heat's talons as hard as she could, turning them white. Heat got his arms free and rubbed them where they hurt. 

"To make it long story short, basically yes." Heat said, wincing a little. "That's why I'm here, to warn you." Thorn sat back and curled her tail around her feet.

"Well, I wish you were here for something else," said Thorn, "that way I wouldn't have to worry so much. Even before you left home you were always a magnet for trouble." Heat remembered how much trouble he had actually gotten into when he was still living in the Scorpion Den, back when you had to be aware of your surroundings and when you had to fend for yourself.

"So do I." Heat said. "I wish I was here for any other reason other than this. But I am here now, for a reason that nobody likes but for a reason that is vital if I want to make sure you're safe. As well as everyone else I know." Thorn nodded, then stood up. 

"Can you at least stay for a few days?" She asked, "That way we have time to talk before you have to leave again?" Heat really didn't want to, he wanted to get around as fast as he could, and warn the other people he cared about. But he hadn't seen his sister in over ten years. "I guess I could stay and visit for a little bit, But I can't stay long." Heat told Thorn calmly, "Believe me, I wish I could stay forever, but I need to warn everyone else I know. I can stay for today but then I have to go. I'm sorry." Thorn nodded her head, she understood, and Heat was glad. They walked out of the tent that they were in and into the rest of the Scorpion Den. Thorn gave Heat a tour of the den, first she showed him the markets, then she introduced him to the rest of the Outclaws. Most of them were skeptical, but the others were glad to find out their leader had an awesome brother. After Heat had seen everything that his sister had done to make the Scorpion Den a better and safer place for dragons, he had nearly a basket full of items that had been given to him either from Outclaws, or merchants at the market. They stopped back at Thorn's tent where they left all of the many gifts Heat had received, and then they walked out onto a balcony that overlooked the entire oasis.

"Attention, my fellow Outclaws and citizens of the Scorpion Den!" Thorn called out, "After ten, long years, my brother Heat has returned to his home once again. So this evening, we will be having a celebration for his return, everyone is welcome, and there will be free food and drinks for everyone who attends. Please feel free to meet my brother as you please." The dragons around her cheered and applauded. Heat knew how many starving dragonets still lived in the Scorpion, so it must have made many dragons happy to know that their children can get a free meal, without having to steal or beg. Heat looked over at his sister and smiled at her. Thorn smiled back and then walked off of the balcony.

"That was nice," Heat said to his sister, "That you would give out free meals to those who are hungry and starving. I wish I could be as caring as you are." Thorn looked over at him and smiled.

"Thank you," she replied, "No dragon should ever go without a meal, especially if it's a starving dragonet." 

"I couldn't agree more!" Qibli exclaimed, he had been quiet for so long that Heat Nearly forgot he was there, it spooked him a little when he heard the dragonet talk. The three Sandwings walked a little further until they were outside and near the oasis. They sat down next to a tree so that they were in the shade. 

"So," Thorn said clapping her claws together, "tell me about this little girlfriend of yours, what is she like, how does she look, and when in three moons can I meet her?" Heat laughed a little bit before replying.

"She isn't exactly my girlfriend," Heat said, "she helped me escape Coral and Blister and that's it. She did also save my life after Blister stabbed me. But I don't think you will be able to meet her any time soon though, she went off to warn her family in case Blister and Coral decided to take my escape out on them. But other than that, I'd say she's perfect in every other way. What about you?" He asked Thorn, "Is there a special someone for you?" Thorn teared up a little, then quickly went grim and serious. She wiped off her face and frowned. She signalled for Qibli to quickly move out of earshot. He did it with hesitation when he saw the sad look on Thorn's face, but then he moved to the other side of the oasis.

"I did", she said quietly, "but not anymore. He left when I was still with egg." Heat looked startled, he didn't know his sister had had an egg.

"An egg!?" Heat gasped, "Where!? Can I see it!?" This made Thorn even sadder. She started to sniffle and tears started running down her face. Heat held her in his arms to comfort her. He held her close and gentle, as any brother should."

"It's gone." She said, "Someone stole it from me before it hatched, they must have known where I hid her, otherwise I'd have her by my side right here and now." Now Heat was mad. He couldn't believe someone had stolen his sister's dragonet before it even hatched. 

"Don't worry, Thorn, if I find your dragonet, I'll bring her back to you, I promise." Thorn sniffles and wiped away most of her tears.

"Thank you," she said, "you're a good brother." She tucked her head into his shoulder while Heat was still holding her. They stayed like that for a few hours, until the sun started to set. Qibli walked over to Thorn and asked if they should leave for the party. Thorn agreed and they walked down to where everyone else was. Heat shook his claws with the other dragons he didn't meet at the market. He saw little dragonets running around, planning tag, and stuffing their mouths full of food. Heat smiled, hardly anyone in the Scorpion Den smiled. The only time anyone actually did smile the last time he was here was when someone had stolen food from the market, or if they won a bet over what pet would win in a fight.

Heat looked to his left and saw a dragon standing in the corner of the party. He was wearing a dark cloak so it was hard for Heat to identify the dragon. The dragon pulled down his hood and stared directly at Heat. Heat gasped in shock and disbelief.

It was the dragon who pulled him and Nile from the ocean.

Heat The Sandwing Assassin (An OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now