Chapter 4

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Heat followed Nile down to the Queen's Council room and instantly regretted it, inside right around the entrance was none other than Blister herself. Heat stood staring at her, mesmerized by the tattoos on her neck, she glared at him, her face full of rage and annoyance. Blister grabbed his arm, her claws piercing his scales and flesh, blood trickling down his forearm. Heat winced in pain. Blister looked back at Queen Coral with a fake smile on her face.

"Coral, my friend," Blister said calmly, "Can you excuse us? I need to have a little chat with our Sandwing friend here." She glanced a glare at Heat and looked back at Coral with that same fake smile she had before. Coral nodded and Blister shoved Heat out of the room. Once they were in the clear Blister pinned Heat up against the nearest wall with her elbow on his neck, raising him into the air.

"Listen Sandwing!" Blister growled, "If the Nightwings weren't taking so long on our deal, you wouldn't be here right now, but since they are and I am tired with the results of the war, you are going to kill my sisters for me before they can do anything else to mess with my plans."

"And if I refuse to do what you want?" Heat gasped, trying to get at least a little bit of air into his lungs. "What will you do if I don't do it?" Blister gave him an evil grin and put her mouth next to his ear and whispered, "Then I will kill everyone you have ever cared about, how's that sound?" Heat's eyes went wide. No, not her, not her, I can't let her be killed not unless I die first, but I can't listen to Blister, maybe I can trick her into letting me go. Heat nodded and Blister let him fall. Heat crumpled onto his knees, one talon over his throat, gasping for air.

"Good." Blister said, "Now, be a good assassin and go back into the meeting and keep your mouth shut." Heat followed Blister into the meeting with his talon still rubbing his throat. Nile gave him a scared and worried look on her face. She walked over to stand beside him, "Are you alright?" She asked him, "You look like you haven't breathed in a minute." Heat nodded, "I haven't." He croaked. "What are you talking about?" Nile whispered. Heat gave her a motion to be quiet. "Shhh, I'll tell you later," Heat whispered, "wait until after the meeting." Nile slowly nodded and turned her head back to the conversation happening between Coral and Blister. The rest of the meeting went smoothly, after they left the meeting, Nile was leading Heat to a cave so he could talk in private, but Heat stopped her.

"No, we need to go somewhere more private," Heat told her, "Somewhere where no one can listen." Nile was confused, but there is nowhere else we can go, all the other caves are open, and the only private places to go are underwater." Heat looked at her and smiled.

"I didn't say it had to be here in the Summer Palace, did I?" Nile looked at him, her face filled with shock. "I-I-I can't, I have to guard the entrance to the Queen's hatchery until someone else comes to fill in for me, and both Blister and Queen Coral told us to keep you here at all costs until they figure out what to do." Heat sighed, "Alright, fine." Heat said, "How long until someone fills in for you?"

"I won't be able to leave until midnight." She said, "Coral extended the shifts ever since her eggs have been mysteriously killed before they hatch." Heat slapped his forehead. "Alright!" Heat cried, "Meet me here in this cave at midnight tonight, then I'll tell you what happened."

"Alright," Nile said, "Midnight tonight, got it." She smiled at Heat and hugged him, walked to the cave entrance, and glided down to the water, gone for the rest of the day. I'll tell her tonight, Heat thought, I'll tell her everything, even my thoughts.


Midnight had come soon enough, but Nile hadn't come in time. Heat heard flapping coming closer and closer to the entrance. Heat looked up and smiled, only for his smile to be met by a punch to the face. Heat stumbled back, but was met with more and more punches and claws and kicks to the chest and face and everywhere else. Heat howled in pain as his blood pooled from his body. Eventually, the shadows tied him up against the wall and lit a torch. Heat looked at the dragons who beat him and it was the same Seawings who had brought him to the Kingdom of the Sea(except Nile of course) Shark crouched in front of him and punched him in the face, breaking one of his teeth in half. Heat spat it out with more blood.

"Blister told us you might try to escape tonight," Shark barked at him, "Too bad your little friend isn't here to save you." Shark laughed, but went quiet as Blister flew into the cave, he went silent.

"You know Sandwing, you are pretty smart," she grimaced, "Trying to trick me into letting you go so that you could warn your friends about what is about to happen to them. Well, I figured something else out, I can kill you, right here and now for disobeying your future queen, and then I will kill everyone you care about anyway. I love it whenever I get to kill somebody." Blister raised her tail barb and plunged it into his right shoulder. Heat screamed in pain. He felt the deadly Sandwing venom flowing into his veins, slowly killing him. Blister knelt in front of him and said, "I'm going to enjoy watching you die, I love watching other dragons suffer, a quick death is very boring, don't you think? I'm also going to do the same thing to your Seawing friend as well, that way I can watch two dragons suffer at the same time." Blister stood up and turned back to look at the guards. "I'll be back in an hour, tell me when his friend arrives. Until then, treat this Sandwing with the respect he deserves." Blister turned around and left, when she did the dragons that were still in the cave started beating on him again. What felt like an hour of blood and broken teeth and screaming turned out to be only ten minutes before a dragon entered the cave. It was Nile.

"What's going on here?" Nile asked, looking at the other Seawings. Her eyes caught Heat's, then she realized what was going on. She gasped and tears appeared in her eyes, but they soon disappeared. She grabbed the spear that she was holding and charged at the Seawings. Nile had managed to get through the first five with ease but struggled with the sixth, Shark. Heat watched in horror as his friend fought with the Seawing general, he reached behind him and felt his bindings. It was just rope. He started slicing his claws through the rope. It only took ten seconds and then he was free, he charged at Shark and hit him across the jaw, making him unconscious. Heat threw him out the entrance and fell to the ground. The adrenaline was leaving his body faster than he could fall. Heat felt the agonizing pain of the venom in his shoulder, he quickly pulled off his pouch and pulled out a vial containing the cactus juice that could cure Sandwing venom. Heat tried to pour it into his wound but his claws were too shaky. He looked over to Nile and whispered, "Help me." Then he passed out.

Ok, so how was that chapter? Definitely my longest one yet, please tell me what you thought of it, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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