14. international brooks day

Start from the beginning

Brooks' smile covers his entire face as he pulls Ellie and me onto the bed, wrapping an arm around each of our shoulders as he blows out his candles. "Happy international Brooks' day everyone!" He jumps up, takes the cake from Parker's hands, and leads everyone toward the kitchen.

As he cuts into the cake, Parker comes to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "You did a great job," he nods towards the cake, "I'm proud of you."

My heart swells at the compliment, and I place a light kiss on his forearm, squeezing his bicep. "Thank you, baby."

"No no no, back away Cadell," Brooks points the knife at the boy clinging to me. "She's mine today, go hug Connor if you need affection that badly." Parker steps away from me, wrapping an arm around Connor's waist and leaning his cheek against his shoulder.

Connor plays along, causing Ellie and me to break into laughter, watching as he brings a hand up to rub the back of Parker's head.

The two release eachother as I slide them each a piece of cake, digging in immediately.

"Kota, I meant to ask," Connor mumbles with a full mouth. "Have you heard back from any apprenticeships?"

"Apprenticeships?" Parker looks at me, puzzled.

It would be impossible for me to open my own bakery right out of college, I don't have the professional experience or funds for anything like that. So, I'll need to find someone who can help me get to that point in my career. I've been applying for apprenticeships all over the country, unsure of exactly where I'll want to be after I graduate.

I think Connor has always assumed I'd follow him to whatever city he ends up in after getting called up. For a long time, I would have agreed with the assumption, not wanting to be separated from my best friend. It's just that now, I'm not so sure of what I want.

I also haven't told Parker about any of it. I'm not trying to hide it from him, he just has so much to think about between hockey and being at a new school. The last thing he needs is to worry about a possible future long-distance situation when we just started dating.

"No nothing serious yet," I give him a tight-lipped smile, "keeping my options open." I look at him, not letting my eyes drift to my confused boyfriend. "Oh wow look at the time, we need to get moving if you want to be at practice on time," I glance down at my non-existent watch.

"You're so weird," Connor laughs at me as his eyes flicker to the microwave clock. "Oh shit, you're right though, come on Brooks we need to leave in ten."

The two boys jump up and head upstairs, Ellie close behind. "I need to use the restroom before we leave," she gives me a pointed glance, eyes flitting to the boy next to me.

Parker places his hands on my waist, turning my body to face his. "Can I ask now or would you rather me do it later?"

"Later, please," I breathe out. "I'll tell you all about it."

He softly kisses my forehead, "no rush, I'm only curious." He pulls out bodies flush against one another, smiling brightly down at me, "I'm excited for you to show off your new skating skills."

"You seem to have a lot of faith in me. We'll be lucky if I can even get onto the ice myself," I joke.

"And I promise not to laugh if you can't," Parker throws back at me, that low chuckle I love so much filling the empty kitchen.

"What a gentleman."

"My mama raised me well," he pauses for a second. "I'm excited for you to meet her next week," he squeezes my hips.

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