"Have fun boys!" mom called before closing the door to the house. I carried my bag to the black Range Rover Calum jumped into, shotgun of course. Ashton opened the trunk and helped me put in my bag. I smiled at him and walked over to the side, sitting down in the back. Ash sat down by the wheel, sighing and turning around to look at me.

"Hello" he smiled before puckering his lips out. I smiled and leaned over to him, giving him a simple kiss. The black tinted windows making it impossible for my family to see from inside the house.

"Ugh, just drive. Michael is waiting" Calum grumbled. Ashton and I pulled away, laughing at Calum before driving off.

The drive to Michael went fast, and soon we were parked on his driveway. "I can go get him" I told the two boys in the front and they nodded before I stepped out of the car.

I went to the front door this time and knocked before entering. There's no need to wait when you already know these people like your own family. I stepped in slowly and was greeted by Michael's mom coming up from the stairs. She was carrying Michael's bag in her hand.

"Oh, hello Luke" she said before putting down the bag and walked over to hug me.

"Hi Karen" I smiled politely, "How are you?"

"I'm okay, things could be better, but nothing to worry about" she said and I could immediately sense that something was wrong. "So how about this trip, huh? I'm so jealous of you all" she chuckled. I smiled and was just about to respond when I heard Michael coming up the stairs.

"Mom, the light in my room just broke" he said without looking up from untangling his earphones.

"I'll tell dad, he'll fix that before you come home" Karen said before hugging Michael. "Have a great trip. Have fun, even though things are a bit tough now, okay honey?" I heard her mumble into Michael's ear. I pretended that I didn't hear and smiled small when they broke apart.

Michael looked up to see me and smiled back, walking over to give me a hug. "Let's get going then" he said and picked his bag up. We said goodbye to him mom once again before walking off to Ashton's car.

"Seriously, does this guy even drive the same car more than once?" Michael said and shook his head as he inspected the new car. I chuckled and helped him with his bag before sitting down in the car again.

"Mikey!" Calum cheered and Ashton gave him a smile and nod through the review mirror before driving off again. Calum, Ashton and I started talking about what we should do when we got there and Calum started blabbering about how he would find a nice, financially stable milf for himself.

I laughed at him but stopped when I looked to my right to see Michael looking out the window with a blank expression. He had his earphones in and I could hear the music playing softly from where I was sitting.

I reached out and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Michael jumped a bit at the sudden touch, but calmed down when he turned to see my face. He paused his music and pulled one earbud out.

"You okay?" I asked him quietly to not get the excited boys in the front involved in this. It didn't really look like Michael wanted to bother anyone with his problems.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he gave me a small smile but I saw right through it, "I'm just tired and so on. I haven't really woken up before ten since I was like seven years old" he joked and chuckled, but I could still see that something was bothering him.

"Really Luke, I'm fine" he sighed and gave me a reassuring smile before going back to listening to his music. I knew something was wrong because it's obvious, but I didn't want to push him. Especially not when we were on our way to have a really great time.

boy meets boy ✪ lashtonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora