1.06 - The Shepherd

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David looked around. "Well, I see the windmill's gone." 

Kathryn smiled. "Come on, everyone's waiting." 

"Who's everyone?" David asked. 

Kathryn chuckled, leading him toward the house. 


Kathryn led David inside, to where there was a welcome home party gathered, and everyone cheered and applauded.

Kathryn smiled, introducing David to a man. "This is Gene." 

Gene shook his hand. "Good to see you, David." 

David nodded in return. "How are you doing?" 

Kathryn held a hand toward a woman. "And this is Ellen, his wife."

"Ellen, hi," David told her. 

Ellen smiled. "Pleased to meet you, too." 

Kathryn went on. "And Frank." 

"Welcome home, David," Frank told him. 

Dr. Whale shook Kathryb's hand. "Hey." 

"Dr. Whale," Kathryn greeted. 

Whale nodded. "Hi David."

David tried to remain polite even though he was clearly overwhelmed. "Hi."

"Look, I know this is a lot, but it's good for you," Whale told him. "The smallest thing can trigger your memories. Just try and have fun." 

David nodded, forcing a smile. "Thank you, Dr. Whale. I'll do my best."

In another part of the room, Ella and Henry were talking. 

"You know why he doesn't remember?" Henry asked. "The Curse isn't working on him yet."

"Henry, David has amnesia," Ella told him.

"Which is preventing the curse from replacing his fairy tale story with fake memories," Henry explained. 

Ella nodded, amused. "Right. Because everyone here has fake stories that prevent them from remembering who they really are." 

"Right," Henry agreed. "And now's our chance to help him. We just have to get him to remember that he's..."

"He's Prince Charming," Ella finished. 

Henry nodded, smiling. "We just hav eto jog his memory by getting him and Ms. Blanchard together."

"Didn't we just try that?" Ella asked. 

"And it woke him up," Henry answered. 

David walked closer. "Hey. You're the ones who saved me right?"

"Yeah, I guess," Ella answered. 

"And, uh, you're also the only ones I know here," David told them. 

Worlds colliding once upon a time (book one)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz