(1) The Day Her World Crumbled

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Twenty years ago 

It was Sadie's 7th birthday, and her mother Sandra threw her a big party. The guest list included the Barnes. Everyone was having a great time at the party with all the kids hyped on sugar and running around. 

Sandra gifted her daughter a purple crown necklace, purple headphones and a purple laptop. Sadie was her princess, her whole world. Sadie promised to never take off the necklace. 

Just a few weeks after the party, Sadie was at a friends house after school. When a police officer showed up looking for Sadie. He relayed the news the friend's mother that Sandra had been in a car accident and it instantly killed her. 

Sadie was forced to go live with her biological father, stepmother and half siblings. But Sandra protected her daughter's money and assets in her will. Nobody but Sadie was allowed to touch her money or take her stuff if they did try they would be arrested. 

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