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Jeongin's nightmare
He woke up at a dark entrance of an abandoned hospital that looks like this:

It was cold and the eerie vibes of the place didn't make it any better,seemingly empty Jeongin decided to just wander around,the floors not being made out of wood was fine like, no creaking planks that may cause for what ever is luring in the dark...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

It was cold and the eerie vibes of the place didn't make it any better,seemingly empty Jeongin decided to just wander around,the floors not being made out of wood was fine like, no creaking planks that may cause for what ever is luring in the dark to awaken.

The place really was a prime example of abandoned:glass shards all across the floor,blood stains spread across the whole building,a nasty smell,bad functioning lights and the list goes on.

Jeongin heard a cry."Even though it might be a trap into making me think the person needs help,im going anyways I'm curious about the sound",He thought.

Jeongin followed the sound of the crying till he got closer and closer,when he arrived,surprisingly it stopped,so he decided to walk away again from the place and heard the same crying noise again,now he started questioning,"So does that person always cry when im away?"This time it's definitely a trap,but curiosity is taking advantage of me",And by that Jeongin decides to walk away and return again to see if the same happened,it did and then the last time he's again at the room but now he actually hears the crying.

He carefully walks in the room going closer to the bed from where the noise is from,and yet somehow the crying died out slowly. "Hey are you alright...?"Not getting a response he feels a shriveled filthy hand is holding his arm tightly making him realize its the one who was making the odd crying noise,Jeongin manages to get it off with all his strength,running out the room as he runs off through the hallways of the hospital,as the feeling of him being watched grows more,starting to walk to the bathrooms entering one not caring which one it is since the doors are broken anyways,he thought he was safe,till he saw a what seemed like to be,a zombie there(i remember the exact look but i cant find the pic☠),he stood there thinking the zombie turned to stone but as soon as he saw the head of the zombie slowly turning around he ran as quick as possible out the bathroom trying to find his way out.

 After he tried to test all the doors and windows that led to outside he got shocked that all were closed and breaking them wasn't working at all,not even the strongest object helped and he thought that maybe they would open in the morning or probably it was permanently night,as he saw the horde of entities coming from the corner he ran off panicking with tears in his eyes,too scared to look back,the tears filled his eyes so much he couldn't see anything as he tripped,he slowly wipes his tears seeing hes sitting in front of the same door where he entered even worse:he looked behind and saw a little girl peeping (see above pic)he tried to get up to escape but he saw infront of him the entity horde,and trying to get out the door on his left side wasn't working either as ghosts where coming from there too

"Please... don't tell me this is real...",Jeongin murmured as he saw all the entities coming from every direction towards him, getting closer as they ended up touching him and making him scream.He finally came back to reality.

"Innie...tell me what happened"Minho asked in a very concerned tone as he rubbing circles on Jeongin's back,who was sobbing and hyperventilating because of his nightmare "THEY ARE COMING NO ENOUGH STOP!"Jeongin exclaimed,more tears streaming down his face,Minho didn't say much and continued to comfort him, eventually Jeongin calmed down.

"Innie can you tell me?,You don't need to if you refuse"Minho said in the softest tone imaginable

"Nightmare..i was in some abandoned hospital and at the end...entities got me...i just wanna forget it..."Jeongin looked at him with red eyes from the crying.

Minho notices Jeongin that has fallen asleep now,as he goes to sleep too keeping the lamp on for the rest of the night.


It is saturday as everyone had eaten and they were all doing their own thing when suddenly the Yang siblings their mother walked in the living room looking at Ryujin angrily

"Ryujin,you are such a procrastinator that you said your first sentence when you were 4 and even that one was "I"ll do it tomorrow" ."(the amazing world of gumball reference cuz yes)

"But that project is just bogus dingus bullshit!"Ryujin complained

"Mom, me and Minho will go out,is that fine?"Jeongin asked as he and Minho who had their shoes on where standing at the door that is open. "Fine by me you can go"She smiled seeing the two walk out the door closing it behind them.

As they were at McDonald's sitting at the table waiting for their order,Jeongin excused he had to use the bathroom as Minho was alone at the table hearing a buzz from his phone and saw it came from his stepsister Giselle,since they were 10 they are family

⚠️assault and abuse⚠️
Flashback to how he got a stepsister
Minho's father was at some point nice towards him but when he realized on how Minho's shyness was still continuing he started despising him and complaining on how his own child is too antisocial,at some point it was too much and started assaulting and abusing Minho to the sake to end his shyness,he was only 10 at that time,but he knew what his dad was doing is wrong but he didn't want to tell since he was forced to believe his father is a good man,when his mom find out they divorced and his dad got arrested.

  ,few months passed when she welcomed a man in her house,he broke up with his wife because she considered that Giselle was too loud for her gender,her mother was always stuck with the medieval gender stereotypes so it was a great choice that they broke up,the man greeted smiling "Hello,i am mr.Uchinaga but you can call me Yeno,and this is my daughter Giselle,Giselle meet your new stepbrother Minho" He said with a warm smile. "And i am miss Lee but you can call me Hyejun,and this is my child Minho"She said with also a warm smile,at first they were a bit distant but a week later Minho and Giselle became closer,and then is when they really became stepsiblings,and when they were in their last elementary year their bond so close they started to call themselves siblings,it really felt like they came from the same mother.

To the present

Paranoid/ Y.J.N x L.M.HHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin