"We can tell this seminary is emitting some levels of emi." Renee added, "It has to be somewhere near. We'll ask the locals more and canvas the area for any signs."

"Best of luck." Hollice said, "You're dismissed."

We all got up and started to head for the entrance bay. I placed my arm over Leo's shoulder. I knew my younger sibling wasn't much of a soldier like the rest of us. Hell, all their life they only concerned themself with machines, tinkering away. They were new to the burden. I decided to keep their concerns to myself. I knew with time, they'd come around.

Once on land, we rented a large flatbed truck. We were going to use it for our trip out to Deupoint as well. It was the best vehicle to get us through Sofo, the land between our countries. While everyone rode in the truck, Leo and I rode in the bed. They wanted the fresh air and I wasn't gonna let them ride alone. After about an hour, the seminary came into view.

"We're coming up on it." I said.

Leo looked off in the distance. Rolling over the hill was a large cathedral. The scale of the building was amazing. It was large and mostly made of stone. Stained glass windows covered both sides. The front was preceded by a grand staircase. Its twin spirals seemed to reach for the heavens. Once we were inside, I was somehow more impressed. The arches and tiles went on for an acre, leading to the biggest organ I'd ever seen in my life. I looked at my sibling. Even though this place was awe inspiring, Leo just looked more and more uncomfortable.

"Alright." Jackie said, "Let's split up, look around."

"Why don't we ask some of the priests here?" Leo suggested, grabbing her hand, "I'm sure if there was some strange temple, they'd know."

"A place this large could hold a million secrets." Renee added, "It could take a while."

"Alright," I said, "Splitting up sounds good, covers more ground. Jackie, Leo, and I can-"

As I turned to Leo, I was taken back. Their eyes were completely white.

"Leo!" I exclaimed, "Are you okay?"

"What's going on?" Jackie yelled, struggling to break free of their grip. When she did, they just stood there, blank expression on their face. They turned towards a hallway and began to walk.

"Hey!" I cried.

"Follow them." Renee said, "Something must be leading them."

Leo led us through the cathedral, down stairs and into the basement of the building. The room was empty, save for a few chairs and desk fragments.

"There must be something here." Renee said, "Pierre."

"I'm on it." he replied. He placed his hand on the wall and a green incantation circle formed.

"Fouiller." The room started to vibrate.

"Nothing." Pierre said, "It's just a basement underground."

"That can't be right." she replied, "Are you sure?"

"Positive. Nothing but dirt and cement."

I looked at my sibling. "Then why were we led here?"

Leo stared back at me, their eyes still completely white. They walked over to the wall Pierre was next to and raised their hand to it. Cracks began to form in the air, as if reality itself was breaking. A large brown incantation formed.

"Aftah." They said, but the voice that came out wasn't their own. It was deeper, older. A panel on the wall fell to the ground, revealing only white space behind.

"This is it!" Sebatian said.

"It's like a portal to another world." Jackie added.

Leo stepped inside the space and disappeared into the light. The rest of us followed.

Inside was a small desert with an oasis in the center. Sticking out from the pond was a sword, the Scimitar. Once I saw it, I sprinted. I pulled the sword from the water and could feel the raw power radiating from it. I couldn't believe I was holding it. François Legrand forged this sword.

I gazed upon its golden sheath. The glow alone could have blinded me, but I didn't care. I've dreamt of this day all my life. Finally, I was holding Tueur de Dieu, the god killer.

And with it, I'll kill Menthu

"Finally!" Pierre exclaimed, pulling the sword from my hands, "Finally we have it. We can bring an end to all of this nonsense." I couldn't take my eyes off the sword. Everyone gathered around. Jewels were embedded into its hilt. The sword itself was very light and curved to almost an exaggerated degree. It did not look much like a practical weapon, but we all knew the power it held. The power to kill gods.

After a moment of gawking, I looked around and noticed something.

"Where's Leo?" I asked. They weren't over with us. I looked back towards the entrance and saw them laying face first in the sand, the door now fading away.

"Hurry back!" I exclaimed.

The five of us ran for the exit. As we passed through, Jackie scooped Leo up and fled the temple before the door dissipated. She laid them on the ground. They were alive, but unconscious. Seemed like they were sleeping honestly. We made our way to a hotel. Once Leo was placed in bed, the rest of us gathered around the common room in the suite to celebrate our new acquisition.

"That was easier than expected." Sebatian said.

"We literally did nothing." Jackie replied, turning towards Leo, "How long do you think they'll be out?"

"Not for too long." Pierre said, "There are stories of those that were possessed by the Isi, never was long before they woke and were normal again."

"Good." I sighed, relieved.

"Alright." Pierre said, "Tomorrow morning, Renee will leave with the Scimitar to bring it to Hollice. As long as Leo is up, the rest of us will head out to Deupoint."

He stood and grabbed some champagne from the fridge.

"I know this past month was hard on you all, and what's to come will be harder." He poured everyone a glass. "But right now, let's celebrate this huge achievement. With the acquisition of the Scimitar, we now have the means to defeat Menthu once and for all." We held up our glasses and clanked them together.


MaiorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora