"Can't we have me and you time in Beacon Hills?" I asked and Jordan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why not go somewhere adventurous? Like Vegas?" He questioned and I let out a small laugh.

"Deputy Jordan Parrish, are you suggesting that we get drunk and marry each other?" I joked. "Because that's what happens in Vegas."

"Okay, maybe not Vegas. What about-" he was cut short by lots of land rovers stopping alongside us and behind us. Dad exited the club with a woman following closely behind. I quickly got out of the car and dad introduced me.

"Araya, this is Maddie." Dad said, "Maddie this is Araya Calavera."

"Get her some guns." Araya ordered as she looked me up and down and a Mexican man handed me a machine gun and a small 45. I was completely taken aback. Jordan hopped out of his car and stood beside me. I handed him the machine gun and gave him a weak smile. I did not feel comfortable holding that thing.

"I have a truck for you. You cannot go to war in that," Araya gestured to the cop car we drove here in. Jordan shrugged as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"War?" I asked and she nodded.

"This is war, my dear. If you can't handle it, then go home," she said rather harshly. I took a quick glance at dad before looking back at Araya.

"I didn't come all this way for nothing. So, shall we?" I asked as Araya stared at me. She nodded and pointed to an empty truck. Jordan, dad and I made our way over to the truck and got in.

"Well, where are we headed?" Jordan asked and we both looked at dad expectantly.

"La Iglesia." He stated. The ride was silent, that was for a little while until Jordan stopped beside the other hunters. I jumped out of the car, firing my gun at the berserker that was standing beside Kate. Jordan and dad shot from the car. Kate noticed dad an I and let out a loud roar before retreating. We followed Kate and the berserker, all the while Jordan was in front of me. Kate managed to get out of sight while the berserker that was protecting her managed to take down many Mexican hunters. All went quiet as the berserker fell to the ground, defeated due to the remaining hunters, including Jordan, dad and I had been using many bullets to take it down. Kate jumped out from behind one of the trucks, taking many shots to the stomach. More berserkers appeared out of the accent building while Kate took down more hunters.

"They're not going down! Nothing's going through that armour and I'm running out of ammo!" Jordan shouted, I didn't really listen, I was too busy watching Araya walk up to Kate.

"Don't worry Araya! I'm coming to kill you next!" Kate growled. Araya whipped out an electrifying stick.

"Come La Luba. I'll show you how the Calavera's die." She answered. Before either of them had a chance to lunge at each other a loud howl sounded above everything. Above the wind. Above the shooting. It sent a shiver up my spine. Out of nowhere a black wolf with glowing blue eyes came bounding over a broken wall. It attacks Kate, it's sharp teeth snarling and biting. Kate's loud screams filled the air as she tried to crawl away from the black wolf which was slowly transforming into a man.

Derek stood in front of her, naked. Kate's face drops as she notices him.
"You're dead!" She shouted.

"No, I was evolving. Something you'll never do." Derek stated. The sound of Derek ripping the skull off a berserker was enough for Kate to get up and run. Only dad leant against a wall and shot at her, the bullet. It was different. It was yellow and a lot larger as it sent Kate flying across the floor. She looked up.

"Chris," she breathed and i stepped out, standing beside dad. "Madison.."

She quickly crawled away into the building as I helped dad get to her. Dad kept following her, shooting at her with everything he had left. Once she realised he was out of ammo she turned around to face us.

"You wanna kill me, Chris?" She asked as dad groaned.

"No, but I don't want to save you anymore either. I don't know if you're worth saving." He admitted.

"Just like when we were kids.. Always trying to make me the bad guy." She answered. "You can't see anything clearly anymore can you? Scott's not your little hero! None of them are! Not when they killed Allison."

It went quiet as dad stepped forward until he was standing a few feet away from her.

"Allison died," he paused, "she died saving her friends. Who would you die for?"

"Yeah. You're not going to kill me." She said as she walked around him and past me, "and you're not going to catch me either. Not you," she groaned loudly, "not Peter and not the Calavera's!"

Dad watched her run away and I watched him drop to the floor crying.

"Get out!" He shouted to me and I took a step towards him, "get out!" I did as I was told as I turned around and walked out. I was immediately met by Jordan who happily took me into his arms.

"England." I stated and he hummed as he pulled away. "I want to go to England."


"There's enough yellow wolfbane to keep Peter out on your trip back." Dad said to Scott.

"You're really going with them..." Scott said, gesturing to the Calavera's.

"I made a deal with the Calavera's weeks ago. They'll leave you alone, all of you. But only if I help them catch Kate." He answered.

"What if you can't?" I asked, stepping forward.

"I'll find her. Someone has too." He said before he walked over to me and gave me a quick hug. "I'm proud of you," he whispered. "I approve of your new boyfriend."

I couldn't help but smile as I pulled away. I waved my dad off as I walked over to Jordan who was leaning against the truck. I wrapped my arms around him once more, resting my head on his chest.

"You rock a leather jacket by the way." I grumbled. He snaked his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

"And what did your dad say?" He asked, obviously not being able to take a compliment.

"He said that he approves of my new boyfriend." I told him making him gasp.

"Well in that case, Madison Argent. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I pulled away just enough so I could look in his eyes.

"I'd love too, boyfriend." I laughed as he bit his lip.

"That's great, girlfriend." He laughed as he carefully pressed his lips against mine in a passionate kiss. When he pulled away he only left an inch of a gap in between our lips before he let out a low chuckle. "Oh I could get used to this." He mumbled as he reconnected our lips again.

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