3. Slow Down.

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Jordan held me for quite a while. He didn't say anthing, he just rocked me back and forth, like he'd dealt with grief before. After a while he helped me up and put me in his car.

"Let me take you home." He said softly as I sat in the passenger side of his car. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes," I whispered, "But I don't know where to start."

"Start by telling me what Derek said to you." He encouraged and I took a deep breath.

"He said that he knew my dad didn't start the house fire that killed his family." I admitted, and Jordan kept quiet. "He only said it to get me angry. He said that I could find out what I am if I get angry, maybe it will make me change."

"But you didn't get angry.." Jordan pointed out.

"I know, and so did Derek. So he told me that Kate started the fire. Then he told me that his uncle, Peter, killed Kate. And then he topped it off with the news that he killed my mom." I informed him, making him pull over.

"I have to tell you something. Something that Derek left out, Lydia and Scott told me." He said, as he leaned forwards. I nodded, even though I wasn't looking forward to what he had to tell me.

"Kate is alive." He admitted. And I looked at him like he was crazy. "Peter killed her by ripping out her throat, and the scratch turned her because the claws went deep enough."

I looked away from Jordan, trying to get my head around it.

"There's more," he told me. "She's a were-jaguar, and she's working with the benefactor. The person that created the dead pool." He explained making my mouth drop open. "But what's even more confusing is that Kate is on the dead pool."

"Jordan, what the hell is going on?" I asked. And he looked uncomfortable.

"I don't know Madison, but I intend to find out." He informed me as he pulled off again. He drove me to my dad's apartment building.

"Thank you Jordan." I said as I smiled before I got out of the car. To my surprise, so did Jordan. "What are you doing?"

"Walking you to your door.." He said, like it was normal to do so. I shook my head.

"You really don't have to,-" I began but he cut me off.

"No, but I want to." He admitted and I found myself blushing. I nodded as I closed his car door. He followed me into the building and into the lift.

"Madison-" Jordan began but this time I cut him off.

"Please, call me Maddie." I said, I think he earned the right to call me that. The lift doors opened with a ding, and we both stepped out. I put the key my dad gave me in the door and opened it before I turned around and smiled at Jordan.

"Madison," he paused as I looked at him, "m-Maddie, I- uh, good night." He stuttered and I couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"Thank you Jordan, and good night." I said as I took a step back into the flat and closed the door. I quickly looked through the peep hole expecting him to be standing outside the lift, but he was still outside the door.

"God damn it Jordan, you should have kissed her." He mumbled to himself, I smiled as I watched him argue with himself. Then he suddenly knocked on the door. I took a step back and waited a few seconds before I opened the door again.

"Maddie, there's something I want to do. I realise this probably isn't the best time, but I know I'll regret it if I don't do it now and I'll probably never get this chance again." He admitted and I pretended to look confused.

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