↳ ❝ april.10.2022 ❞

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i am writing a bunch of short things as we speak but i thought I would put this out there, because i know a lot of people (myself included) can get really bad anxiety when it comes to someone that they find comfort in being cancelled. feel free to share this as a screenshot or whatever if you know someone who needs to know about this, so they can fully understand

i am aware that there has been a huge uprising in the clip of tommy hanging out with fundy and jack manifold in early august 2020, when they were hanging out on the dream smp, and destroying the top bit of erets tower

at about 50:56 in tommy's vod (TommyInnit confronts Fundy on the Dream SMP... on the TommyVods channel) is where a lot of people are thinking he said the n word

but after a bit of digging, i found fundy's pov on an unofficial vods channel

if you want the link to fundy's pov, it's at the top (and the clip is at about 37:25)

it is a mix of what fundy was saying, and what tommy was saying...

due to discord's delay, it really mixed together the wrong syllables at the wrong time. but if you play that part at .5 - .75 speed, you can really hear what was actually being said:

tommy: ok no, you're right, you're right 
fundy: well next thing i know your parents aren't fish, huh?

if there are any tommy antis here, know that he would've been banned off twitch within seconds if he actually said it, and i'm sure that his twitch partner manager looked into it for him as well, and there was probably a lot of stuff he had to do with his mods, and his partner manager, and other twitch people to make sure they knew he didn't say it

thats all,

hope you have a great rest of your day/night

love you all <3

dream smp x reader : oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ