Start of a great hero hunt!

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A/N: This is a dare I took upon myself. So here I go daring other. I dare you to take one book of another fandom and transform it into a marvel fandom book. By the way, my friend dared me....
So basically this is more like copy past from my other book called "Let the hunt begin!" but everything will be changed so it will not be mha fandom but marvel instead. I might also reuse other stuff from other civil war books I have written so far. This is the dare. Chose one book and transform it! Good luck if you take it upon yourself! May the force be with you! ;)

A/N: Peter's POV until said otherwise!

I woke up in a dark room and I couldn't remember how exactly I ended up here. But one thing was for sure. I was still on Shields tricarier cause why else was I not in chain or strapped to a surgeons table? 

Looking around this dark room, I found a box and a letter on a desk. The room had nothing in it beside that desk and what was on it.

What is going on?

Don't tell me Fury came up with something bizar again...

Come on!

At least warn us before you decide to knock us all out!

How did I even end up here?


AY, Sir you have some explaination to do!

This spider is a bit lost!

I slowly got up from the ground and could see that I still was wearing the my spidey uniform. This was not something new since I was like always wearing it even when I sleep. Hey you never knew when someone gonna attack you or worse, FURY CALLING YOU AT 3 am..... Not only that but I was sitting in the classroom he made up for me and my team or more like buch of morons and I remember he giving us some exercises. However the strange part was that he didn't came in. At least not what my memories told me anyways.

I was in dire need of information and looking around the room there was not really a clue on where I was exactly.

This is all made out of metal!

I can tell this is the carier....

Why would they do...

no never mind this is for sure just one of Fury's moods.

Better not question that one eyed grizzly!

Is this some kind of special exercise?

I mean with him.... this is not something new!

This could have also been an attack on the carier. Maybe we have fought someone and lost, so they kidnapped us. However by knowing that I was just knocked out and my spidey sense were not tingeling at all as well as I was not cuffedm, chained or cut open or even experienced on, it was pretty safe to say that this was just some kind of excercie. So I was pretty sure I was still on the shield tricarier.

Another hint indicating this was the box. It had the symbol of Shield on it. Thinking it would be save to open the book, I went ahead  and did exactly that only to find an outfit in it.

Not only that but there was a small sword like knife in it and some throwing knifes as well.

What is going on here?

Why in the world do I need knifes?


What's up with this black and red costume?

I mean I am taking it.

It seems like the newest fashion too.

But the knife?

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