epilogue (last chapter ever)

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many years later

nash pov:

"hey daddy" violet said coming through the door. "happy 21st baby girl" i said hugging her. yes i had a child no i dont have a girlfriend or wife. ok so recap at the age of 20 i got a girl named sophie pregnant. she had the baby gave her to me and ran away i havent seen her since. "evening mr.grier" cody vi's boyfriend said. "evening cody" i said shaking his hand.

"dad" violet said coming out of the kitchen. "ya" i replied. "is this my mom" she said. she was holding a picture of violet.i grabbed it and tears came to my eyes. "no baby girl because if she was your mom she wouldnt of left you she's the girl i named you after my" i said nearly crying. "she's really beautiful" she said. "can we not talk about her" i said. im trying to hide something i just dont want to think about it.

"nashty im here" cam shouted. "shut up my ears" hayes said. "uncle cam uncle hayes" vi shouted. "vi" they screamed. "wait hold up is that vi vi" cam said looking at the picture in my hand. i nodded. "i miss her still" he said. i nodded my head. "its her birthday today" hayes said. yes thats what ive been trying to hide. "can someone tell me whats going on please" vi said. "ok i think its time you knew" i said.

we all sat down and i told her the story. when i finished "so thats that" i said nearly crying. "oh dad" she said attacking me with a hug. "she sound like a lovely person and so talented" she said. "she was trust me" matt said coming out of nowhere. "who are you" vi said. "matt" me cam and hayes screamed. "im here to dummies" taylor and carter said. "oh my god yasssssssss" jack g screamed. "blondie in the house" jack j said. "noone is better then me" aaron shouted.

"guys your here" i said. "ofcourse we wouldnt miss violets birthday" they said. "but i dont know ye" vi said. "not you vi the vi i told you about" i said.

later on:

everyone was gone. i was the only one left. seeing everyone today was good it made me happier. i went up to my room. i bent down and pulled out two boxes from under my bed. in one videos and pictures. in another merch and presents i got off of people. i went through the merch and presents when i came across a little black box. i remember this. i opened it. it was going to be a ring for vi. i was going to propose to her on her 18th. i left it on my bed.

i opened the box of pictures and videos. i picked out one marked "i miss vash" oh i remember this a fan made it. i played it.

 "its been a year since violet brace died. a year since vash died" a vioce said. then clips of me and vi played. at magcon "nash your so stupid" i heard vi's vioce scream as i jumped into a pool with her. "how much do you love vi" a fan asked. "this much" i said with my arms opened. "Aww baby i love you so much" vi said kissing me. "how could someone so beautiful be gone for a year" the vioce say again. "ofcourse i love my fans i love them more then this guy" violet said. i made a pouty face. "just kidding i cant love anyone more then this guy" she said. "please dont say you love me cause i might not say it back it doesnt mean my heart stopped skipping when you look at me like that" vi's voice sang. "oh wont you stay with me cause your all i need" she sang looking at me.i stopped it. thats when we broke up at magcon i didnt know she was looking at me.

i went through photos. i found one of her smiling. i grabbed the little black box and got down on one knee. "violet brace and i do know your a picture but would you do me the honour of being my wife" i said out loud. "yes yes i would" i heard her voice say. i saw a light come from behind me. it was violet and a girl in her 20's. "violet" i said shocked. "yes it me nash" she said. "how" i replied. "well im not back its just we all have a few times to come down to earth for a bit and i choosed this as my first" she said.

i went over to hug her. i wrapped my arms around her and squeezed. "mommy" the girl said. "yes mia" vi said still hugging me. "mia" i shouted releasing vi and hugging her. "daddy" mia squealed. "so hows my babies" i said. "good" they said. "keep this" i said to vi handing her a ring. "thanks" she said hugging me. "hows everyone" she asked. "good" i replied. "i want to meet uncle hayes mommy" mia said. " you and i both but we will wait" vi said. just then violets and mias glow started to fade.

"no you cant be going yet"i shouted. "we have to baby" vi said hugging me i hugged her tight. "bye daddy love you" mia said. "love you too" i said kissing her forehead. "bye nashty" vi said hugging me"bye star love you" i said. "bye love you too" she said then kissed me. i felt her soft lips for 10 seconds then they were gone.

i woke up. "nash are you ok" cam asked. "im just brilliant im going to go to bed by guys" i said walking upstairs. i got into bed. i saw her again i saw my mia and my star i held both of them im so happy. now all i have to wait is for the day im reunited with them forever. "night vi night mia" i said to myself. i heard back" night baby nash" violets voice. "night daddy" mia's voice. i fell to sleep happily that night.

a/n its finished guys i hoped you enjoyed it. i loved writing this book and im pretty sure ill come out with another soon. but i hoped the last chapter forfilled your expectations. bye now guys shauna xox

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