chapter 4

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we drove back to what i prosume id the grier's house. will and booke headed in me following. when i got in i saw a boy that looked like nash. "amm is nash here" i said. the boy quickly turned around and had a shocked look on his face. "amm ya his with his friends ill get him by the way im hayes and you are" he said.. "they call me star" i said. then he ran upstairs. 

a few moments later nash michael and bryan came downstairs. "hey star" they shouted. "hey" i said. "ready for the holiday" nash said. "yaa so is your parents comig or........." i said but nash interupted me. "no there not were going on a little tour of america and we might go to ireland not sure yet and a few of my friends will be coming" nash said. i nodded. "nash nash when is mommy home" a little blond haired girl said running in from the garden.

"in a while sky" he said hugging her. then her attention came over to me. "hi im skylynn who are you" she said. "im star" i said. "well thats not her real name" my sister said coming out of the kitchen with will. "what you mean by its not her real name" will and hayes said. "her real name is........." she started saying but i tackled her onto the ground. "shut the fuck up brooke you know i dont like my name" i said while i was sitting on her. "ok now get the hell off of me" she said pushing me onto the ground. "is your name that bad" nash said. "i just dont like the meaning" i said. he nodded. 

it was getting late. nash's mom was home. "ok lets go bye mom" will hayes and nash said. we walked outside there were two cars. "ok me and brooke in one car and the rest in the other but star gets the front" will said. "im driveing" nash said. we all nodded. i got in the front hayes bryan and michael in the back. "you look tierd" nash said. "nah im fine so where the first stop" i asked. "california to pick up my friend cam" nash said. "ok" i said. 

nash started following will in the car. i started drifting of to sleep. i was kinda excited about going on this holiday with the boys and my sister. " star" hayes said. "ya" i said. "what do you like to do" he asked. "amm i like to write and take photos i used to sing but that another story" i said. "so youre a photographer" nash said. "ya" i said. i got out my phone and rang brooke. "brooke did you pack my camera" i said to  her on the phone. "yup its in your bag i packed all the stuff i thought you would need now im going bye little sis" she said hanging up. 

"im going to sleep wake me up when we get there night" i said. "night star" the boys said.

a/n hope you enjoyed im going to bed now ill update tomoz hopefully so bye for now shauna xox

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