chapter 18 part 1

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i turned the corner to see nash making out with another girl. "nash" i screamed. he turned around shocked. "vi it was a mistake please believe me vi" he said trying to hug me. i ran away from him. "why did you kiss her your so fucking stupid" i heard someone shout and then a big bang. "i love you vi" i heard nash shout i ran out.

why why would he do this to me. i bumped into someone. "im sorry" he said. i looked up to see my ex boyfriend john. he abused me. "omg vi its you im so sorry for what i did to you in the past" he said with pleading eyes. i stood scared. "get the fuck away from me"  i said running in the other direction. he didnt come after me thank god. 

my thoughts quicky drifted back to nash. i guess to him i was just another girl.

next day:

i stayed in a different hotel. i got up and it was nearly time for a dinner bart put together for us and around 20- 30 fans.  ofcourse im going they are my fans to. why wouldnt i. i walked back to the hotel. i opened the door to our room. "vi" i heard someone say quietly. i ignored it and got some clothes and went for a shower. in the shower i remebered meeting john yesterday with that memories came back.


"give me a fucking show slut" he shouted to me. "no" i said with tears rolling down my face. he came over and kicked me in the stumoch then punched me across the face. he got a knife and made two slits on my arms. "ha now i can tell people you cut you wont be miss im alright with my life anymore" he said. i roared out crying. "your dad even died because he couldnt stand you" he said laughing. i started weeping quietly. why did he have to bring up my dad why. he kicked me in the head. i kept my eyes opened. "john im home" i heard his mom shout. he looked scared now. i heard footsteps then the door opened. "john........................." she paushed when she saw me. "what the fuck did you do" she shouted at him. "noting" he replied. "it doesnt look like noting" she said. i was now crying harder because the cuts he made are stinging. she came over and picked me up. she cleaned me up and drived me home. 


that was the last time i saw john until yesterday. i quickly finished and got out and dressed. i decided just to put my hair in a side braid. i didnt feel like drying it or anything. i did a simple makeup look. i walked out. "hey bestie" matt said hugging me. "hey hey hey" i replied. he looked at me " you ok" he ased loooking into my eyes. "im fine" i said smiling. he hugged me again. "come on we have to get down to the dinner" cam said with nash behind him. we all walked down.

we got there and sat down. some fans sat at tables around us. we havent told them yet were telling them tomorow. nash sat beside me. "im sorry vi please forgive me" he said. "ill try" i said looking into his blue eyes. we leaned in and kissed. fireworks. the the worst part came i heard a gun shot.......................................................................

a/n hey guys so yeah as you can see im coming to the end of the book 3-4 chapters left anyway ill probs update in a while again so for now hope your enjoying love ye 

shauna xox

just another girl (nash grier fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang