Kalos Power Plant & Lumiose Gym

842 15 9

(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
------------------Narrator's p.o.v

After battling for the Plant Badge, we see now see the trio making their way through the badlands to head back to Lumiose City to battle the 5th Gym leader but a electrician blocks their way but enough of that lets get on with the meat and potatoes

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

(Y/n): what do you mean we can't get into Lumiose City?!

Electrician: I'm sorry but the North boulevard and Centrico Plaza are in a black out and the Route 13 gate won't open but the Power Plant is running...

(Y/n): hmm *faces Serena and Shauna* let's go check on this, something doesn't sit right about all of this

Shauna: you sure?

(Y/n): I'm more then sure

Serena: could it be be Team Flare?

(Y/n): it's a high possibility, so let's go

Both Serena and Shauna nod in agreement with me and we all make our way towards the power plant but a Flare grunt gets in our way

Flare grunt: I'm a member of the stylish Team Flare and I'm gonna win in style!

I just roll my eyes at him and grab Greninja's ball and send him out to battle

Narrator's p.o.v

Flare grunt: you're up Houndoom! *throws Houndoom's ball*

With both Pokémon out and ready for battle and (Y/n) gives the first command

(Y/n): use water shrunken!

Flare grunt: dodge then use crunch!

Greninja being the quicker one of the two launches multiple water shrunken at Houndoom which all hit their mark leaving the Houndoom heavily damaged and easily dodges Houndoom's crunch

(Y/n): finish this!

Greninja quickly disappears and reappears and attacks Houndoom causing them to faint and return into their ball, then the Flare grunt brings out Golbat

(Y/n): now Greninja, use smack down!

Flare grunt: use confusion!

Greninja grabs and throws a stone at Golbat which makes the bat Pokémon to fall to the ground hard but still has enough strength as their eyes glow red and shoot black waves of psychic energy towards Greninja and takes over his mind and slams him into the ground

(Y/n): that's bad! Greninja get up and use quick attack!

Grininja snaps out of his of his trance and vanished out sight again then reappears and axe kicks Golbat and making it faint

Flare grunt: you may have beaten me...again and again. But like I always say, when I lose, I go out in style!

(Y/n): and you are just annoying...

Flare grunt: *takes a step back* and now, I'll stylishly run away! *takes a couple of steps* huh? *pats down himself* WHERE'S MY POWER PLANT PASS?!

(Y/n): oh! *pulls the card out of her bag* you mean this?

Flare grunt: *faces the trio* h-how in the world do you have a Power Plant Pass? *thinks of something* aha! I'll make a stylish deduction! You picked up the Power Plant Pass I dropped when I was checking out the big boulder over there! *points at a boulder behind the trio* and, what's worse, you plan on going into the Power Plant, don't you?!

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