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*Note the cover image is not mine and I don't know where it came from only that I got it on Google images.*

The writing styles in this story may be inconsistent as this is a role play between me and a couple friends. The role play is also still active so chapters may take a while to update. While the story does follow the OC's it's not solely about them. I also have some draft saved and will most likely post one (maybe two if asked) chapters every weekend.

Please upvote this and do everything you can to get others to view this please. I'd really like people to see what we've created especially since we're all proud of it and enjoy it so much. ;)

This is not a reader insert. This story has a few OC character only three of which majorly affect the story. By the story, I'm referring to the actual gameplay with Gregory. This story starts before the events of Security Breach and some characters may act a little out of character from how they are envisioned by most and portrayed in the game.

I want to make a note of some TWs that this story contains {this part will be updated if need be as the story continues}


-Emotional hurt from neglect and arguments


-Blood and gore described

-Parental issues


-Playful threats

-Mentions of past abuse

-Flashbacks (indicated by ^^^)

-Flashbacks of upsetting events

-Flashbacks of abuse

-Straight up murder

-Pet names

-(if anyone finds any trigger warnings that I have missed please leave a comment that I can check, I try to check those as needed and will add the TW that's been pointed out if it has not been addressed or needs to be addressed) (also any comments you have good or bad are also welcome as I'd like feedback but please do not be incredibly inappropriate, nothing sexual is in this story so don't put that in the comments please)

Please do not upload this story somewhere else. Please do not copy it and only change the characters names. Please do not copy anything from this story as this is a fanfic thought up by myself and a couple friends. If you were to take a small idea that's one thing but multiple ideas or entire scenes then that's when we start reaching a gray area. The characters from Five Night's at Freddy's Security Breach are not ours but everything else about this story is so please do not copy it to get credit for something that is not yours.

If anyone wants to draw or make fan art for this story I would be glad to see it and post it at the beginnings of chapters if you would like me to. If you want to make fanart but don't want anyone but me and the other creators to see it that is also fine. ;) If you want to send any art feel free to directly message me.

Lastly, as I've mentioned before, I don't want anyone posting this on any other platforms; however, if you wish to see it on a different website, I can post it there. If you find this story on a different website and you are not sure that I posted it, I will have a list in this description of what sites it is posted to and what my account name is on those sites. If you see that an account posted it that is not listed on this front page, please directly message me so I can sort it out. If I post this to any other site, the story will be under the same name.

For everyone who read this far, thank you for your time and enjoy the story! ;D

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