Chapter 15: Infamous

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Liana's at the Daily Planet working when Clark walks up to her and says, "Can I talk to you?" Liana looks to see Clark and says, "Yeah, what's up?" Clark grabs Liana's hand and takes her to the storage room and Liana looks worriedly at Clark and s...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Liana's at the Daily Planet working when Clark walks up to her and says, "Can I talk to you?" Liana looks to see Clark and says, "Yeah, what's up?" Clark grabs Liana's hand and takes her to the storage room and Liana looks worriedly at Clark and softly says, "Is everything alright?" Clark sighs and says, "I want you to write my story." Liana's confused and says, "Your story?" Clark says, "My story as the Red-Blue-Bur." Liana blinks and says, "What? Are you crazy? Why would you want to go public all of a sudden?" Clark says, "Because Linda Lake's back and she's gonna leak my story, but not if you don't write it first." Liana sighs and softly says, "Are you sure this is what you want? You won't have a normal life anymore." Clark says, "I never had a normal life anyway." Liana says, "I mean, you will always be in the public eye and never have any privacy. Is that what you want your life to be like?" Clark nods and says, "Yeah." Liana slowly nods and softly says, "Okay." Then Liana writes the article about Clark and publishes it. Later, Liana's at the Daily Planet and leaves Clark a message saying, "Clark, call me, whatever trash these people are spreading about you, you can count on me to fire back guns blazing." Liana hangs up the phone and sits at her desk. Then her co-worker throws an article on her desk, and he says, "You sit across from the guy, Lane. How slow are you?" Liana widens her eyes when she reads the headline that says, "Clark Kent: Murderer Bur blamed in Luthor Death." Liana sees that Linda Lake wrote the article and she sighs. Liana's on her way to speak with Tess and she rushes to the elevator and says, "Hold the elevator!" Liana makes it inside just in time and she sees that she's in the elevator with Linda Lake herself, Liana rolls her eyes and says, "Last I checked, stories required these little things called facts. Maybe the city editor is willing to print your fiction but Tess Mercer will gladly run my rebuttal." Linda hold her hand out to Liana to silence her and says to the person on the phone, "I'm sorry, Katies, I'm-I'm gonna have to call you back. My connection just took on a terrible whining sound. Okay, thanks. Katies Couric." Liana says, "You see a parade, and you just have to rain on it, don't you? You can't stand the fact that there are actually good people in this world." The elevator doors open and as Liana leaves, Linda says, "If your boyfriend really cared about saving people... he would have done things my way." Liana looks back at Linda and says, "People looked up to him. He could have been the hero they always needed." Linda says, "Funny thing about people. The only thing they love more than building up heroes is tearing them down." Liana shakes her head and walks away. Liana walks into Tess's office and without looking up and says, "Tess, what were you thinking?" Liana looks up to see a man and he says in his walkie-talkie, "She's up here." Somone on the other end says, "Roger that." The man says, "Miss Lane, we need to speak with you regarding matters of national security." Liana says, "Without my lawyer, you're not gonna hear me so much as hiccup." The man then nods to his solider and he points his gun at Liana, and she runs out the room, but not before Clark grabs her and zooms at the room. Liana looks up at Clark and says, "Nice interception, but you shouldn't be here. All the bloodhounds in the state will be sniffing you out." Liana gets out of Clark's arms, and he says, "It's okay, but in a few moments, this will all be over." Liana's confused and says, "What are you talking about?" Clark says, "The Legion ring, it can take me to any moment in time. I'm gonna go back to before Linda Lake ever wrote that article. The world isn't ready to accept someone like me." Liana says, "Why can't you stay and fight back. Look, give people a chance to see who you really are." Clark says, "It's too late, Liana. My whole life, I've seemed different." Liana softly says, "Some people spend their entire lives looking for a way to stand out. To be a person that anybody would call special. When you first told me who you were... I knew that you were still the same Clark that I know and always love." Clark looks sadly at Liana and says, "When I do this, no one's gonna remember who I am." Liana sighs and Clark places his hand on Liana's face and softly says, "I have to go." Clark goes to open the drawer and finds kryptonite. Clark grunts and falls to the ground. Liana then sees the kryptonite and as she goes to freeze it, Linda comes up from behind and knocks her out. Liana wakes up with a soft groan and hears Linda say, "The entire world will know me." Liana freezes the kryptonite and attacks Linda. Linda throws a punch at Liana and she doges and kicks Linda on the stomach. She punches Linda until she's knocked out and she goes to Clark and says, "Are you okay?" Clark gets up and says, "I'll be alright." Then Liana's phone beeps and Liana picks up the phone and is shocked at what Chloe said. Liana goes to Clark and says, "Clark... Chloe just called. You're not gonna believe this, but Davis..." Then Clark puts on the ring, and he goes back in time. Clark walks into the Daily Planet and smiles when he sees Liana on her computer working and he walks up to her and says, "Hey." Liana looks up at Clark and softly smiles and says, "Hey, Smallville. How was your trip?" Clark says, "It was okay, trying to find that thing that took Chloe is hard. I'm sorry about Lana." Liana sighs and softly says, "It's okay. I'm working through it. Anyway, that thing that almost happened at the wedding came we just forget about it." Clark says, "I think it's a pretty complicated conversation, Liana." Liana sighs and says, "Okay, how about this I'm going to be at that little cafe later tonight and if you're there we'll talk about it. If you're not it's water under the bridge." Clark says, "Okay." Liana nods and softly says, "Okay." Later, Liana's at the coffee shop waiting to see if Clark will come or not. Liana's phone then buzzes and she sees it's from Clark. He says, "Sorry, swamped with work, can't make it." Liana sighs and texts back, "Chasing a lead, couldn't make it anyway." Liana's kind of happy Clark couldn't make it because she didn't want to talk about the almost kiss.

Life In Smallville & Metropolis {8}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें