Chapter 14: Requiem

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Liana's in her apartment about to leave, when Lana walks out the guest room she's been staying in and says, "Hey, where are you going?" Liana says, "For walk

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Liana's in her apartment about to leave, when Lana walks out the guest room she's been staying in and says, "Hey, where are you going?" Liana says, "For walk." Lana softly smiles and says, "How about I join you when you're out patrolling Metropolis?" Liana sighs and says, "Lana, I'm not so sure that--" Lana cuts Liana off and says, "Liana, when I stopped that bullet an saved Dr, Groll's life it was the most amazing feeling I've ever had. I got to use my new powers the way I always planned to." Liana says, "Lana, even with your strength and speed... it's still dangerous out there." Lana smiles and says, "You've protected me for years. But this is who I am now. It's the life I want. And I wanna share it with you." Liana smiles and says, "Okay, let's go." Then there's a knock at the door and Chloe enters and says, "Liana? Lana? Hey, there was some sort of an explosion at LuthorCorp. The news was saying it was a bomb." Lana says, "Oh, my God." Liana says, "Was anyone hurt?" Chloe says, "Apparently, everyone in the board of directors was killed. Oliver was there. He's in the hospital." Lana speeds Liana to Oliver and he says, "Well, if it isn't Metropolis' newest power sisters." Lana softly says, "How are you doing, Oliver?" Oliver says, "I'm alright. Nothing a dry martini can't cure. Were there any other survivors?" Liana says, "You were the only one. They said the table protected you from the blast. Oliver, do you have any idea who did this?" Oliver shakes his head and says, "Angry shareholder, maybe. I just bought a controlling stake in LuthorCorp. I was meeting with the board to announce it." Lana says, "If you're trying to erase the Luthor from LuthorCorp then there's one obvious choice for who was behind this attack." Liana nods and says, "Lex." Oliver says, "You know, if he was gonna come after anyone, Lana I would assume it would be you. You were the one that really got under his skin. Or should I say, into it? That biotech that you commandeered that was his lifeline. It was his last chance at recovery. So you probably meant more to him than his entire company." Liana says, "Do you remember anything before the blast? Something that could help us figure out if Lex is behind this?" Oliver shakes his head and lies, "No. No, I didn't see anything." Liana says, "Alright. Don't worry, Oliver. I promise we're gonna find out who did this." Lana then speeds them to where the bomb exploded and Liana says, "Oliver's lucky to be alive." Lana walks away and says, "Looks like the bomb went off over here." Liana says, "There's pieces in the walls everywhere." As Liana is walking she groans and Lana looks over and says, "Liana, are you okay?" Liana's panting and says, "There's kryptonite." Lana opens a panel to see the kryptonite and grabs a part of the bomb that has the kryptonite in it and says, "Looks like this silver shard was part of the bomb. But why would they use meteor rock?" Liana says, "It's not the first time it's been used to make a bomb more powerful." Lana touches the kryptonite and it disappears. Lana says, "Whoa. What was that?" Liana says, "Whatever it was, Lana, I don't feel the kryptonite anymore." Lana says, "Maybe it was treated with something that lost its charge when I moved the chip." Lana gives the piece to Liana and she says, "Queen Industries." Lana says, "Liana, I think that Oliver knows more than he's saying." Liana defends Oliver and says, "Lana, it's a big company, they make thousands of ships a year. Why would you think Oliver would be responsible?" Lana says, "I don't, but doesn't it seem like he's covering something?" Liana says, "But why would he hide anything from me?" Lana says, "He's done it before, Liana. When I tracked Lex to Cuba, Oliver showed up. He was there to kill Lex." Liana softly says, "Why didn't you tell me about this?" Lana says, "I thought that I'd talked him down but obviously he still has his own agenda. I think that you should show him the chip and give him a chance to explain." Liana says, "No, we can't trust him anymore. If he's so obsessed with killing Lex that he went behind Clark's back, I don't wanna pull him in any deeper. Whatever Oliver's hiding, we'll figure it out on our own." Later, Liana goes onto Oliver's jet and sees Chloe. Liana says, "Chloe. What are you doing here?" Chloe chuckles and says, "You know Oliver. Even the blast of a bomb won't rattle his work ethic. He asked me to come in and pull some of the files from the LuthorCorp deal." Liana nods and says, "That's funny. Because I would think that Queen Industries could free up at least one employee to run his errands for him." Chloe says, "Yeah, well, I'm not exactly a Brink's security truck but Oliver knows he can trust me." Liana says, "I thought I could too. You're chasing down a lead on the bombing for him aren't you?" Chloe stands up and says, "Sorry, Liana." As Chloe goes to walk away, Liana says, "Chloe, you don't understand. Lana told me about Oliver's vendetta against Lex. He knows I would try to stop him. That's why he would lie. But I don't know why you would." Chloe looks at Liana and says, "Because I don't wanna lose you, Liana. Lex knows that the meteor rocks are poisonous to you. He knows your weakness. He could kill you." Liana says, "That doesn't mean I'm supposed to kill him first, Chloe. No matter what Oliver said to you Lex and I are not in a battle to the death." Chloe says, "He's known your secret for months. Why have you not done anything yet?" Liana says, "I'm focused on the future... on using my abilities to help people. I don't wanna live in the past." Chloe says, "But that's exactly what you're doing. You think that Lex is still the same person you've always known. You're not recognizing the monster he's become." Liana says, "So because I'm not gonna kill someone, I'm in denial? When you were taken over by Brainiac you could have destroyed the world, Chloe. But Clark refused to kill you." Chloe gives Liana her PDA and says, "Here. It's Oliver's top suspect, Winslow Schott. He used to work at S. T. A. R. Labs. Oliver thinks he would lead us to Lex." Liana nods and says, "Don't worry, I'll be careful." Liana walks away and enters her apartment and Lana says, "Hey, um, I talked to Dr. Groll about what happened with the kryptonite. It wasn't the chip. It was me." Liana nods and says, "So besides strength and speed, you can destroy kryptonite?" Lana says, "No. Dr. Groll says I absorbed it. But I'm worried, Liana. If Lex built this as a weapon, what if you were the target?" Liana says, "But Lex isn't wearing it, Lana, you are. We're gonna figure this out. But we need to stay focused on tracking down this bomber before he caused any more damage." Lana slowly nods and says, "Did you find anything?" Liana hands Lana the phone and says, "Yeah. You were right. Oliver was hiding something. He thinks the bomber is someone who used to work for him. I went to the address listed there but he doesn't live there anymore." Lana says, "According to this, Mr. Schott is a pretty prolific inventor. He filed a lot of patents for S. T. A. R. Labs. A guy like this, he wouldn't just stop registering his research because Oliver let him go." Liana says, "So maybe the patent office has a current address for him." Lana says, "If this guy's working for Lex, we're dealing with a lot more than just some toymaker. If Lex put things in motion, he has planned three moves ahead. And now that he has nothing to lose... he's more dangerous than ever." Later, Liana and Lana go inside the toyman's workshop and look around. Liana says, "This the last known address the patent office had for him. Chloe mentioned this Winslow guy had a thing for toys." Lana says, "And I'm guessing he still lives here." Lana then notices a doll's head turn and picks it up and says, "Liana. There's a wireless camera inside this doll." Liana says, "Someone's watching us." Lana says, "I can guess who it is. Lex likes to keep an eye on the people that work for him." Lana dumps the doll in the trash and Liana lifts up a tarp that has a model of Metropolis. Liana says, "Lana, look at this. It's Metropolis." Lana says, "Winslow must have played out the bombing here before the attack." Liana says, "If that's the case, then "Daily Planet" is Lex's next target." Later, Chloe's at Isis and has the doll hooked up to her laptop. Liana walks in on the phone with Lana and says, "I just picked up Chloe from the hospital. She's okay. But this toyman guy got away. Keep looking, Lana." Liana walks over to Chloe and Chloe says, "Call me crazy, Liana, but isn't there a bomb you should be finding?" Liana says, "Chasing that camera's signal maybe our only chance to find Lex. And Lana's already searching for the bomb at the "Daily Planet." Have you had any luck?" Chloe says, "The feed to the camera's been cut, but it was definitely broadcasting to a single receiver." Liana says, "You found Lex." Chloe says, "Well, I managed to sneak past the latest gaggle of ghost routers and ping the original IP address that Winslow was sending to." Liana says, "Where is he?" Chloe says, "Where sort of depends on when. Liana, Lex has been on the move this whole time." Liana says, "I thought Lex was immobilized." Chloe says, "Lex may have been immobilized but his IP address is still leaping tall wireless towers in a single bound. Now, I programmed the signal into one of Oliver's satellites and synced it with my PDA. I made you a Lex tracker. Now, Oliver's satellite is about to pass out of range. You only have ten minutes before the signal is gone and Lex disappears again." Then Liana walks into the Daily Planet and says, "Lana?" Lana speeds in front of her and says, "Liana, I've searched every room and I can't find the bomb anywhere." Liana says, "Like you said, we're a team. Lana, try to concentrate on only one sound to find the bomb." Lana nods and concentrates and looks at Liana and says, "It's on the roof." Lana grabs Liana and speeds her to the roof. They make it to the roof to see the bomb as Liana walks towards it she groans. Lana says, "Liana, that much kryptonite could take out half the city." They then hear a disoriented voice say, "Liana Lane and Lana Lang, welcome to your destiny. You've destroyed me in every way. So now... I'm going to take away what matters most to you." Lana says, "Lex." Lex says, "The skin Lana's wearing is designed to absorb enough meteor rock... that you'll never be able to go near her again." Liana says, "You're a coward, Lex. Come out here and face us." Lex says, "No, Liana. It's time for you to face your defining moment. You can walk away sacrificing innocent lives to stay together... or the defuse the bomb and sacrifice you sister love forever." Lana has tears in her eyes and looks at her sister and says, "Liana." Liana looks at the bomb and softly says, "You have to." Lana frowns and gives her sister a hug one last time. Lana then walks up to the bomb and absorbs it. Lana drops down and Liana goes to her and says, "Lana?" Liana stops and groans, Liana backs away and Lana looks at her sister with sorrow because she can't go near her without making her sister sick." Liana is filled with anger and says, "Lex." Liana then goes to find Lex. Liana finds out that Lex's IP address was near the Daily Planet, she sees a truck and says, "You'll never hurt anyone else every again." As Liana walks forward, Lana speeds in front of her and she groans. Lana says, "I know how much it hurts right now, Liana. But if you got after Lex like this, you will kill him." Liana angrily says, "After all he's done to us, Lana, he needs to be stopped." Lana says, "I promise you, I will help you to punish Lex. But if you kill him... you will lose so much more than just us being together. Liana, you'll lose yourself." Then the truck explodes.

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The next day, Liana walks up the stairs to her apartment's roof and she sees Lana

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The next day, Liana walks up the stairs to her apartment's roof and she sees Lana. As Liana walks to Lana, Lana stops her and says, "No, Liana, please. I don't wanna hurt you." Liana's heartbroken and says, "Lex already took care of that. Did you talk to Dr. Groll?" Lana nods with tears in her eyes and Liana continues to say, "Can he help us?" Lana shakes her head and softly says, "No." Liana sighs and says, "I'm gonna do everything I can to fix this, Lana." Lana says, "Liana, he tried everything. He can't reverse the process. I love you. I always will. I know what I need to do with my life now. Life is... Is so precious. So beautiful. And to be able to protect that, that's an amazing gift. I know you feel the same way." Liana has tears in her eyes and softly says, "Don't leave. Please, don't leave again Lana. I can't imagine my life without my sister." Lana softly says, "All always be a part of your life, Liana." Liana has tears rolling down her face and softly says, "Stay." Lana has tears rolling down her cheeks and says, "Don't." Liana walks towards Lana and Lana continues to say, "Liana, don't." As Liana keeps walking towards Lana, Lana keeps backing up. Liana groans and grabs Lana's shoulders and gives her a final hug. Liana groans because the kryptonite is too much, but she doesn't care. She just wants to feel her sister one last time before she leaves forever. Liana then stumbles onto the ground and Lana sobs, "Goodbye, Lia." Lana then walks away from her little sister and Liana watches with sad eyes, and she sniffs heartbroken to never have to see her sister again.

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