IX: ... Rising Tide II

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"Securing the owl as an ally is crucial; she is the pivotal element in our strategy to win this war," the leader of the Ghouls declared to his followers before embarking on their mission to Nibel. "Our immediate goal is to capture the offspring to bolster our ranks. However, forming an alliance is essential for our long-term plan. Once we have gained enough leverage, we will execute our final move - betrayal," he elaborated, outlining the calculated steps of their strategy with a commanding presence.

Sein's Super Nova tore a clean hole through the snake, revealing that Neshan and Mitzhari had already made their escape. Suddenly, a cone-shaped cluster of vines materialized behind Sein. Retracting back into the earth, the vines disclosed Neshan and Mitzhari, who appeared remarkably unharmed.

Sein pivoted to face her adversaries, the Super Nova still swirling energetically around her. She beckoned the fiery sphere closer to herself. Sensing a growing threat, Neshan, driven by the need to shield Mitzhari, launched an assault towards Sein. Meanwhile, Sein started her incantation, "Guiding Light... Restoring Flame... Fierce and Stout."

Growing more wary, Neshan decelerated, carefully watching Sein's movements. "Fierce and Stout... Nova Out Burst," Sein finalized her chant with a resounding clap of her hands. In response, the Super Nova burst into a myriad of lethal rays, each one autonomously seeking its target with unyielding persistence, they continue their pursuit until making contact.

Neshan, with a swift, fluid motion, strikes the ground, his arms transforming into robust, hard thorned vines. Multiple thorned vines, each one more formidable than the last, burst forth in front of him, each one reaching out towards the menacing beams. The moment the beams make contact with the vines, a spectacular explosion ensues, incinerating the vines in a burst of light and energy.

"ANY TIME NOW, MITZ!" Neshan bellows at his teammate, his voice tinged with desperation. Before he can react further, he's violently shoved aside by a Corrupted Gorlek. This one, however, appears more formidable, its massive frame pulsating with sinister purple veins that throb menacingly across its entire body.

Sein's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of the Gorlek. In a mere heartbeat, the Gorlek smashes the ground, causing jagged stone spikes to erupt violently. Reacting swiftly, Sein swirls her hands over each other, conjuring a glowing, explosive orb. With a determined flick of her wrist, she hurls it towards the emerging spikes, resulting in a resounding explosion that lights up the surroundings.

Gorlek; Formidable creatures, bearing a striking resemblance to a blend of apes and lions. They possess a robust physique characterized by four muscular arms and two sturdy legs. Encircling their heads is a magnificent mane of fur, adding to their regal and wild appearance. Renowned for their mastery over the Earth element, they are revered as skilled architects and builders within the Forest of Niwen, their homeland.

"What the heck is that, Mitz..." Neshan mutters, brushing off the layers of dust clinging to his clothes. "That's a Gorlek, but a corrupted one," Mitz explains calmly. "It's a more aggressive variant. They have significant control over the element of Earth. I surmised it would be an effective counter against fire-based attacks."

Neshan shoots Mitzhari a look of confusion. "Wouldn't water be a more logical choice to counter it?" he questions, only to receive a playful hit from Mitzhari. "I don't have knowledge of any potent water creatures," Mitzhari states matter-of-factly, while Neshan rubs his cheek where Mitzhari had just hit him, a hint of amusement in his expression.

At a safe distance, Fil and Leru had been keenly observing the entire skirmish. Reem, too, had been watching the intense brawl from afar. "What should we do?" Leru inquires, looking towards Fil, who seemed torn between intervening and staying back. "I... I'm not sure," Fil admits with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "Our strength pales in comparison to theirs..."

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