III - Stolen Artifact

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Ori's consciousness began to emerge from the depths of the dream, like a distant echo growing louder and clearer. A voice, filled with urgency and concern, pierced through the veil of his slumber.




The voice intensified, reaching its peak until it became an undeniable call that Ori.


Ori's eyes snapped open, his heart racing as he sucked in a desperate breath. The tremors of the nightmare still clung to his mind, casting a shadow over his thoughts. He turned his gaze towards the source of the disturbance, finding Sein's concerned face hovering above him. "Sein?" Ori stammered, his voice laden with both relief and lingering fear.

"Thank the light you're awake," Sein exhaled with visible relief, clasping her hands to her chest. "Get up, Ori. We need to make our way to the Ginso Tree," she urged, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. Ori slowly rose, rubbing his head in a dazed manner, his mind still foggy.

"Alright..." Ori followed Sein as she led the way toward Fil. As they approached, Fil greeted Ori with a warm smile. "Morning, Ori. Did you sleep well?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. Ori let out a tired sigh, his morning voice betraying his lack of rest. "Not really," he replied, his words laced with weariness.

"Wait, hold still, Ori," Sein insisted, stopping him from moving any further. She gently placed her antennae on Ori's head, her brows furrowing with concentration. Ori stood there, feeling slightly awkward and uncertain of what to do with his limbs. He complied, trying his best to remain motionless as Sein conducted a swift examination of his body.

Sein withdrew her antennae from Ori's head, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and confusion. "Uhm... why did you do that?" Ori inquired, his voice tinged with mild bewilderment. Sein met his question with a gentle smile. "I took a quick body examination," she explained

"Wha-" Ori's confusion still lingered, leaving him at a loss for words. Sensing his perplexity, Fil stepped in to provide some clarity. "Sein has a vast amount of knowledge on light and its workings," he interjected, his voice carrying a tone of admiration. "She can perform all sorts of 'extras' that we simply can't." Ori stood there, absorbing Fil's explanation, a mix of wonder and realization flickering in his eyes "Huh..." was all that could escape Ori's mouth.

"So, how's Ori doing, Sein?" Fil inquired, his gaze shifting between Sein and Ori. Sein paused for a moment, contemplating her response. "Well... surprisingly, he has only regained half of his light," she replied, a touch of concern lacing her words. "However, the amount of light present in his body indicates that he has acquired all the necessary basics." Sein's confusion deepened as she wondered why Ori hadn't fully regained his light. Ori, on the other hand, stood there once again, his expression etched with bewilderment, struggling to comprehend the significance of their conversation.

Sein redirected her attention back to Ori, her eyes fixed on him intently. "Ori, can you tell me what are the three elements that have to be restored?" she inquired, her voice patient but expectant. Ori stared at her, caught off guard by the sudden query. "Wha-" he started to say before Sein interrupted firmly, urging him to focus. "Just answer the question, Ori. What are the three elements of the forest that have to be restored?" Sein repeated, her tone emphasizing the importance of the matter. As if by some mysterious force, information Ori had never known he possessed flooded his mind. "Water, wind, warmth," Ori responded, surprised by his own revelation.

"Okay, where are they located?" Sein inquired, her voice filled with anticipation. Ori, still uncertain of how he knew the answer, replied, "The element of Water can be high a top of the Ginso Tree. The element of Wind is hidden within the depths of the Forlorn Ruins. And the element of Warmth resides beneath the fires of Mount Horu."

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