[2023 revisit]Chapter 0: Prologue/Teaser

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We shall always remember the night

It was a dark and stormy day, with heavy rain pouring down from the sky and fierce winds howling through the air.

When I lost Ori to the Great Storm

The wind was relentless, howling with fierce intensity. I tightened my grip on Ori, my child, trying to shield them from the gusts. But the wind was too strong, and despite my efforts, it ripped Ori from my grasp. I watched in horror as my child was carried away, soaring through the air and disappearing into the depths of the forest, but I knew it would land somewhere safe... and

When Naru embraced my light

As a child of her own

-Time has passed-

After a night of rest, Ori woke up feeling rejuvenated. As he emerged from the cave, he was greeted by Naru, who had a warm smile on her face. Ori hopped onto Naru's sturdy shoulder, and with a gentle shake of the tree, a ripe fruit fell to the ground. Ori caught it in his mouth, savoring the refreshing taste as he swallowed it down.

With the tree now devoid of fruit, Naru marked it with her sharp claws, indicating that it had been harvested. She then gestured towards a lake on the other side of the forest, where trees laden with fruits could be seen. Ori and Naru shared a knowing glance, and they set off together towards the lake, determined to construct a bridge.

They worked tirelessly, gathering materials and using their combined strength to build a sturdy bridge across the lake. It was a challenging day of labor, but Ori and Naru persevered, motivated by the promise of the delicious fruits waiting on the other side. When the bridge was finally completed, they stood back to admire their handiwork with a sense of accomplishment.

Crossing the bridge, Ori and Naru indulged in the juicy fruits, relishing the sweetness and freshness. They feasted to their heart's content, grateful for the nourishment and the bond of their friendship. As the sun began to set, Ori gathered a pile of fruits to take back home, satisfied and content.

With a heart full of gratitude, Ori bid farewell to the bountiful trees and started to make his way back home, accompanied by Naru. The journey back was filled with a sense of fulfillment, as they walked side by side, cherishing the memories of their hard work and the shared joy of their adventure.

On that fateful night

Ori approached the bridge with determined steps, eager to cross over to the other side.

When I lit the skies ablaze

Ori then went past the swing

I called out to Ori

As Ori made his way back home, he noticed the tree marked with a cross, which signified that all the fruits had been harvested. Ori was almost at his destination when suddenly, the Spirit tree lit up with a brilliant, flashing blue light. Startled, Ori dropped the fruit and turned his attention towards the Spirit tree, while Naru rushed to his side and picked him up, running inside for safety.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as they took shelter in the cave. However, their food supplies began to dwindle, and the forest around them started to wither. Day after day, Ori, Naru, and the forest suffered the effects of the diminishing resources. But despite the challenges, they held on to hope and persevered, determined to find a solution to the crisis.

Yet hope never came

With their food supply depleted, Naru searched the desolate forest in vain for sustenance. The once vibrant landscape now lay in ruins, dead trees and withered bushes stretching as far as the eye could see. Climbing a tree for fruit, Naru's hopes were dashed as the weakened branch snapped, leaving her hurt and hungry.

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