843 24 17

Thursday 8:30 am

"where would you like for us to put this ma'am"

"you can sit it over there" i said while pointing in the living area

"And what about the bed, which angle would you like it in?" the other furniture mover said

"right there is fine"

"okay can you sign this paper and we'll head on out" he said smiling

"ookk here you go" i said handing him the pen opening the door watching them walk out

"have a nice day"

"you too" i said closing the door

I love how everyday for me is going right now. I've got my apartment of the way. Now i need to get groceries.

 Now i need to get groceries

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Use y'all imagination, let's pretend the living room is pink

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Use y'all imagination, let's pretend the living room is pink

I head to the nearest Walmart near me.

"hey Siri put in directions to the nearest Walmart near me"

I arrive at Walmart. I head inside looking around. They really didn't have much in stock. Like cleaning supplies, and wipes.

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