Why rewrite?

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Before I get into the story, as some of you have read the first story I'd written called 'The Marionette' I thought it was high time to rewrite the entire thing and make it less cringe worthy and so I didn't want to put my head through a wall every time I thought about the garbage I had written years ago. 

That being said, the rewrite is just for fun and peace of mind. If you want to go read something more recent I wrote, check out 'Shadows of the Village'. Even that I had thought about rewriting but it doesn't grate my gears as much as the Marionette did so I'm ignoring it for the time being. 

I had mentioned a few years ago that my brother was involved in an accident where he was bitten by a venomous snake and almost died, and since then I haven't been as active or finished other works I had started. I have been over on AO3 and its wildly enjoyable over there. I am in the process of overhauling everything and will get around to posting them when I have the time. Again, I stress that I will only be doing this because I hate leaving things unfinished but my mental wellbeing and getting back into studying are both my main priorities and I won't sacrifice either any time soon. 

For those who read this, I hope you enjoy a slightly better version of the Marionette.

The Marionette (Naruto FF) (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now