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Agustin and Julieta wanted to have one last baby.Everytime Julieta was pregnant she miscarried. Julieta didn't think she could have another baby without miscarrying again but she decided to try one last time.She went over to Agustin. "Agustin, i want to try one more time for the last baby we want to have but please i need you to have hope in us that we can have this baby." Agustin nodded yes. "Yes Mi amor I will try again and pray this will work." Julieta cheers and pulls Agustin into their room and well you know the rest. You can say that they had fun in bed like every other time.

A few weeks later Julieta and Agustin had a dinner date. After the dinner date Julieta went to the bathroom and started throwing up. She was really sick. Isabela heard her mom and went to the bathroom. "Mama? Are you okay and do you need any help?" Julieta nodded yes for help. "Can you call your dad for me?" Isabela nodded. Isabela went into her mom's room to look for her father.''Papa? Mommy said that she needs you and she's sick so she's in the bathroom." Agustin ran to julieta and comforted her in the bathroom. " Honey you are going to be okay" she nods and throws up again until she's finished. When she finished, Agustin gasped. " hunny do you think that you might be pregnant?" Julieta's eyes open wide. " Oh my gosh baby I might be pregnant!" she says with so much joy. " Wait but what if I have a miscarrage again? I can't go through that stress nor that trauma for the third time. Babe i'm scared." Agustine holds her hands and kisses her gently. "Look hon, you aren't going to miscarry this time and even if you do everything happens for a reason and once we have this baby our lives will be 1000 times better than it already is I'm sure of it." Julieta hugs him. " you sure?" Agustine nods " yes I'm sure."

(t-skip to the birth)

The paramedics came in. Julietas contractions were one minute apart and they were getting bad. Isabela and Luisa were scared for there mama but Alma had to calm her grandchildren down. " AHHH OH MY GOSH AGUSTIN THIS HURTS!" Julieta screams as goes through another contraction.Finally she was dilated and she was ready to push. "PUSH JULIETA YOU CAN DO IT COME ON." the paramedics said. " JUST LIKE BEFORE!" the paramedics said after. Julieta pushed and pushed and pushed and the baby was finally here. " Oh my gosh she's so beautiful I love her so so so so much" Julieta said. " I know right and it's expected to have a beautiful daughter, she has your DNA!" Agustin said.They both laughed. By this time the whole family was in this room and they were all trying to think of a name then Abuea thought of one. " I've got a name! I was thinking mirabel almost like miracle because she is your miracle child!" Julieta and Agustine smiled at her. "Yes I love that name!" they both said at the same time. " Isa and Luisa, do you like that name?" The two older siblings nodded their heads. " Mirabel it is!" Julieta says.

From then on Julieta's and Agustine's lives have changed. With each other's love they are happier than ever and they don't want to ever be separated. Their love is so strong that they can overcome anything with just one " I love you" or with just one's gaze at each other. They are each others lives and that will never change for the both of them.

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