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Julieta ran as fast as she could to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. Her and Agustin  tried for a baby not that long ago and she missed her period last month. She was really excited to be a mother. Julieta bought the pregnancy test and she went home to casita. Agustin was waiting for her to come back home.

Julieta has come back home from the pharmacy. " Oh my gosh mi Amor are you ready to see if we are going to be parents?" said Agustin. " Oh baby Im so excited but so scared. Do you think I can be a good enough mother for our baby?" Agustin looks at her and holds her hands. " Love you are going to be the best mother any child could ever ask for and our child is going to love you so much and never ever want to let go of you. I promise" That really gave Julieta a boost of encouragement. " I needed that thank you I love you so much." He nodded. " Of course now go to the bathroom so we can see if you are pregnant." She kisses her temple.

Julieta went to the bathroom to do the test. Agustin was scared and excited, he really wanted her to be pregnant. Julieta came out crying from the bathroom with the test in her hands and she ran up to Agustin screaming " WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!" she hugged him as well. " OH MY GOSH YESSS!!" Agustin replied to her so happy an greatful that they were having there first child together. He pulled her in a warm embrace when they both let go Agustin took Julieta's hands and started to talk. "Julieta, I cant wait for you to be a mother and for me to be a father. I dont care if your mom doesnt think we are ready but I think we can do this I will even not eat or drink the ones you cant so you arent lonley." Julieta gave her husband a hug. "Baby thats so sweet and y'know you dont have to not eat some of your favorite foods because of me right?" Agustin hugged back. " But I want to do this for you. My life is dedicated towards you every piece of it." Julieta was so greatful for her husband and she was happy she married the right person.

They went to the hospital a few weeks later to see if Julieta was actually pregnant. When they arrived Julieta was nervous and she held on Agustin's hand tightly. When it was there turn Julieta did all the things like hieght and weight check up she was fine until it was time for the blood draws. Julieta hated needles and Agustin held her hand tightly. " Mi Amor Im so afraid, what if they stick the needle in and it doesnt come back out?" Agustin laughed at her comment. " Of course the needle will come back out. Its just little poke and you have an arepa to heal you afterwards. You can do this." Julieta nodded her head. "yes I can do this. "

The doctor comes back in with the needle and the alcohol and is ready to stick her. Julieta was still squeezing Agustin's hand but much tighter. The doctor tells Julieta to take a deep breath in so that she doesnt become tense, Julieta listens to her. The doctor looks for the vain and she finds a really good one so she cleans Julieta's arm with the alcohol wipes and sticks the needle in. Julieta flinches but thinks 'its not that bad'. Once they get enough blood they took the needle out. "The results will come out in one week from today." Julieta nods her head and she thanks the doctors. The couple walks out hand in hand and walks back home.

Its been one week and they got the letter of the results. Julieta is pregnant! Agustin and Julieta are so happy. They go trough the list of foods she can and cant eat and all the requierments to have a healthy pregnancy. There's only one thing they are worried about and its how will abuela respond to this news?  Theres only one way to find out and they both willing to tell her but really scared too.

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