First birthday

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It's Isabela's first birthday and the family is getting ready for the whole of Encanto to come to Casita. Everywhere in casita is beautiful. Isabela is crawling around everywhere. Everyone is stressed trying to look for her. " aye dios mio Isabela where are you baby girl." says Julieta. " Find that daughter of yours Julieta." said abuela. No body new where Isabela was and they were getting worried. 

Isabela was in this area she had found in the town square which had many different flowers and plants. No one new how she got there but she crawled out of the casita with her tiny legs. " Hey kiddo,  aren't you a madrigal kid? How did you get here to my shop?"Said a towns person. Isabela babbled and made grabby hands at a plant. " You think that's pretty huh?" Isabela understood things but she didn't know how to talk to she just nodded her head.  "ISABELA WHERE ARE  YOU!" yelled Julieta.
Luckily she was near where the shop and the shop owner heard her.  "Um excuse me your Julieta Madrigal right?" Julieta walked over to the towns person who is holding Isabela. " Yes I am." The towns person gives Isabela to Julieta. "I found your daughter hiding here. She really is interested in plants and I don't know how she got here but here you go. " Oh my gosh thank you so much how could I pay you back." The towns person chuckles. "You don't have to pay me back and it's okay I'm always here to help. I can even babysit her if needed I'm great with children. Also my name is Vanessa."
Julieta nodded. " Thank you Vanessa and I'll take that offer on the babysitting but just to warn you she's a feisty baby and I hope you're coming to her birthday she really seems to like you.." Vanessa laughs. " you are most very welcome. If you ever need me I'll be in my flower shop" Julieta nodded her head,waved her hand and left"

" I FOUND HER I FOUND HER!" Julieta yelled. The rest of the family came up to Julieta who is holding a baby Isabela in her hand. "Never run away like that again mi amor or should I say crawl away" Agustin said. Agustin tickled Isabela's sides and that made her squirm around in Julieta's arm.  Julieta giggled when her baby giggled. Agustin pulled them both close and he kissed Julieta.  The three of them had a family hug then they separated. " let's go to casita so we can get this party started I also don't want the food to get wasted and cold." Agustin nodded.

Later that day the party had started and there was music, food and entertainment. The whole of Encanto was there to celebrate Isabela. "ATTENTION EVERYONE!" Says abuela. "I would like to announce that it is my first grandchild's birthday today. Today my daughter gave birth to you and we love you so very much.  Your mother is an amazing mother and you shall not take her for granted. In the next four years from today you will give get your gift that resembles you and you will use it to help our beautiful Encanto!" Everyone clapped at the end of her speech and abuela invited them to sing happy birthday to the one year old. "Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Isabela happy birthday to you!" They are cheer and clapped and Isabela smashed her hands in the cake.They made her a smash cake just so that she could do exactly the at then the real cake was going out to the cake.  Isabela got cake all over her outfit and she dumped it on her head and she just sat there laughing at her self. Juliet's tried to pick her up so that she could wash her but she through cake onto her face as well. Isabela did the same to her father.  They all laughed and they shared this moment together.

At the end of the party they had to clean up everything. Julieta finally got Isabela in the bath and she changed her into her night wear.  Agustin put her to bed. As he did that he got two glasses of wine and he gave one to Juliet's who was in a robe on there bed.  "Thank you my love." Julieta said. " to our daughters first birthday cheers!" The both of them laughed and they spent the rest of the night cuddling each other, laughing and chatting u til they went to sleep.

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