A/N so today is gonna be a triple update because I've had the last chapter, this chapter, and the next one all typed for a couple weeks. So without further ado, here is chapter 2/3 for today!

I wake up at some point in the early morning, still wrapped in Harry's scent.

In Harry's arms.

In Harry's presence.

This is the best sleep I've ever gotten in my entire lifetime. Maybe it's because I feel safe. Or maybe I was just properly tired. But I know I haven't slept like this ever.

I also know I should leave and go to my room.

That I shouldn't still be here when morning comes.

But I can't find it in me to leave.

So I don't.

I do what I shouldn't do.

I stay.

I wake up at some ungodly hour, still holding Louis' small frame to my chest. I know this is wrong, keeping him here like this.

Asking him to stay last night.

But I can't help it.

I want to be with him all the time.

I need to be with him all the time.

This boy that has completely taken over my heart.

I want to protect him from the world.

To hold him and never let anything happen to him, ever.

But I know that's not possible.

Because my mother won't let me take the throne without a wife.

And in order to create change for us, for our community, I need to leave the one person holding me together.

It's too early to be thinking about all of this.

I pull Louis closer to my chest, close my eyes, and drift back to sleep.


I'm awoken to one word being yelled down the hallway that runs outside of my room. And that is "guards!" coming from the mouth of my mother.

I lay still, pretending to still be sleeping when I hear my name being called. "Harry Edward Styles, wake up right now." I open my eyes, subconsciously pulling Louis tighter to my chest.

Something isn't right and my instinct is to protect the smaller boy in my arms. My movement, or the yelling, caused Louis to stir.

"Haz? What's going on?"

I tighten my grip even more on my boy.

"Oh shit, Harry we overslept. Oh god, I'm so-"

"Fired?" My mother offers from her place at the foot of the bed. Behind her I can see two guards in the doorway of my room. When Louis hears my mothers voice, he starts trembling slightly in my grip. His worst fear has come true. She found us.

"Okay, well does someone want to tell me what's going on here?" My mother uses this sickly sweet voice and it makes me want to curl up into a ball and die. Instead I shift more on the bed, so part of my body has trapped Louis under me. I keep him as close to me as possible.

"I've got you baby," I whisper into his ear, inhaling a tuft of his hair in the process.

"Harry. Explain."

"This is my boy."

"No, Harry. This is your servant." She spits the word as if it's bitter on her tongue. "He works for you. He is not your boy."

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