I walk into Harry's room around 5:30 to prepare him for dinner. In the past few months, he's opened up to me a bit more. I haven't seen him since before he went out into the gardens for lunch with his family, as well as another royal family. He seemed to be dreading it.

"Harry, are you ready for dinner?" I ask as I fully enter the room. "Harry?"

I spot his figure curled up on the bed.

I walk over and gently sit down next to him. "Haz?" I gently brush his curls from his eyes. I can see dried tear tracks on his cheeks. His eyes flutter open when I run my fingers gently down his face.

"Lou?" He croaks out.

"Right here, Harry. What happened?"

His eyes drift away from my gaze.

"Another fight with my mother."

His fights with the Queen have become more and more frequent lately.

"I don't want to go to dinner."

"Haz, you know I'd love to let you stay here. But your mother will put me out of a job if I don't get you to dinner on time and get you to dinner looking presentable."

I hear him sigh.

"I don't want to face her after what she said to me."

He looks so sad.

"What did she say to you, Harry?"

See, about two months after my first day, Harry finally opened up to me about all the fights with his mother. He told me he was gay and his mother hated it because he was supposed to take a wife to be next in line and then provide heirs to the throne.

"She told me I was a disgusting faggot and a disappointment to my family and that she didn't care if I didn't want to take a wife, she was going to make me. I just wanna be happy, Lou."

He's crying again, and starting to panic. He sits up, hugging his knees to his chest. I pull myself fully onto the bed and gather him into my arms, pulling him close and rocking him back and forth.

"It's alright, Haz. I'll tell her you're not feeling well and you just want to rest. I'll bring some light food for you because you still need something in your stomach."

I feel him nod against my neck. He picks up his head and I reach my hands up to wipe his tears away. I offer a small smile and get one in return.



"Can I...can I kiss you?"

I can only nod my head yes before he's leaning forward and attaching his mouth to mine. Our lips slot together perfectly, like they were made to kiss each other. And maybe they were. I always did believe in soulmates. He pulls away when he needs air.

"I'm gonna go get you some food, okay?"


He pecks my lips once before I untangle our limbs and slip out of the room, giving him a soft smile as I do so.


I got some food from the kitchen for Harry after telling Queen Anne that Harry wasn't feeling well and that he was upstairs in his room resting. She didn't really seem to care.

I make my way carefully up the stairs to Harry's room, balancing the tray of food carefully in my hands. I knock on his door when I reach it, trying to avoid making a mess of the new carpet the Queen just had installed into the entire upstairs, even though, quite frankly, it's disgusting. Harry gently opens the door without me realizing, being too lost in my thoughts about the horrible carpet and all the ways it should be destroyed.

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